The full form of CVA is CerebroVascular Accident What is the full form of CVA in Medical? CerebroVascular Accident What are the full forms of CVA in Worldwide? CerebroVascular Accident | Cash Value Added | Credit Valuation Adjustment | Certified Valuation Analyst | Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum | cis...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. Related to cerebral vascular accident (CVA): cerebrovascular accident, ischemic stroke, cerebral vascular attackcer·e·bral (sĕr′ə-brəl, sə-rē′-) adj. 1. Of or relating to the brain or cerebrum. 2. Appealing to or requiring the use of ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook CVA Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia CVA abbr. cerebrovascularaccident AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.Published...
However, health insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of medical costs. In a health insurance plan, the consumer and the insurance provider split the costs up to a certain point, after which the insurer must cover the full cost. One of the features of a health insurance plan involving cost-...
Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition CVACity of Vancouver Archives(Canada) CVACertified Valuation Analyst CVACerebrovascular Accident(stroke) CVACompany Voluntary Arrangement(UK company-creditor term) CVAConvention and Visitors Authority(tourism; various locations) ...
This pathology either causes hemorrhage from a tear in the vessel wall or impairs cerebral circulation by partial or complete occlusion of the vessel lumen with transient or permanent effects. The sooner the circulation returns to normal after a stroke, the better the chances are for a full ...
Many also lend themselves to starting a small business either part time of full time. For instance, your child could start a bookkeeping service and could freelance evenings and weekends as a limo driver. (I know from hiring tons of limos the tip alone is a good day's pay for many peop...
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