286 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development You need to declare DRAW table in the top include ZXCV110TOP TABLES: DRAW. Reply Former Member In response to jogeswararao_kavala 2016 Jan 28 7:17 AM 0 Kudos 285 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thank you so much! Reply ...
execute you will get the list of exits available... -->enter package under Badi's tab and execute you will get the list of Badi's available... All the User exits are stored in Table MODSAP.. regards, PrabhudasReply
742 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Pradeep, Please can you also check if the link between class in tables KLAH, INOB, KSSK, etc and characteristics in AUSP, CAWN, CABN, etc is existing. Everywhere you should get similar links form any table you check. Thanks, Arijit Reply ...
- create an append in table DRAW - then feed the customer screen SAPLXCV110/0100 using exit ZXCV110U02 - and update the append using exit ZXCV110U03. I wish you a good luck ! Philippe Former Member 2013 Jun 28 0 Kudos We have done the same, but facing one strange issue. ...
If you use Event Changed, then it will trigger any value is changed and saved in CV02N, if you want to use that Event then you need to first add a select statement to fetch the old values from DRAW table and the Badi importing parameter DRAW to check the status change(DOKST), Just...
2,089 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Experts, what is the table to see the Storage category for attachment in CV01N? (Please see the attached) Thanks, Raneetha StorageCat.png 16 KB Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION jogeswararao_kavala Active Contributor 2015 Oct 29 3:47 PM 0...