CV MDI-QKDPreparation noiseTwo-mode coherent attackMaximum transmission distanceContinuous variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (CV MDI-QKD) where legitimate communication parties, Alice and Bob, do not connect to each other directly but to an......
1.一种基于DMPM的CV-MDI-QKD系统,包括用户发送端和用户接收端,所述用户发送端和用户接收端通过公共信道和量子信道连接;其特征在于, 所述用户发送端包括n个ALICE发送方和n个BOB发送方,n为正整数;其中,n个ALICE发送方分别为第一ALICE发送方ALICE1、第二ALICE发送方ALICE2、……、第n ALICE发送方ALICE n;n个BOB...
Non-Gaussian QKDWe propose a new non-Gaussian version of the continuous variables measurement device independent quantum key distribution (CV-MDI-QKD) protocol by utilizing a photon added-then-subtracted (PAS) state. We report that our single- and two-mode PAS-CV-MDI-QKD protocols outperform ...
ELECTRONIC data processingQUANTUM communicationPYTHON programming languageWe provide a rigorous security proof of continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution which incorporates finite-size effects and composable terms. In order to use realistic and optimized parameters and be able...