If you calculated a Cv value of 47, you would want to choose the 3-inch valve because in the 2-inch, 47 would fall outside of our recommended range. 如果您计算的Cv值为47,您将希望选择3英寸阀,因为在2英寸中,47将超出我们的推荐范围。 If you calculated a Cv of 35, it falls in the r...
波纹管调节阀 Control Valve 可售卖地 全国 材质 铸钢/不锈钢 型号 AGVB/ABVM CV3000系列AGVB/ABVM顶导向型单座调节阀、气动单座调节阀、活塞式调节阀、薄膜式调节阀、波纹管调节阀、散热型调节阀、低温调节阀、高温调节阀、切断调节阀、蒸汽调节阀、压力调节阀、流量调节阀、ControlValve 采用顶导向结构,配用...
Conversely, a lower Cv value indicates a smaller flow capacity, suitable for applications requiring finer control of the flow rate at lower volumes. Here’s a breakdown of what the CV value indicates in valve selection and operation: High CV Value A high CV value indicates a larger flow ...
300 and 600) ansi/isa rp75.23 considerations for evaluating control valve cavitation ansi/isa tr7...
波纹管调节阀: Control Valve 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准。 特别提示:商品详情页中(含主图)以文字或者图片形式标注的抢购价等价格可能是在特定活动时段...
If you calculated aCv of 35, it falls in the range for both valves. In this case we would recommend the 3-inch because it falls closer to the middle of the flow curve. How to Size a Control Valve The first question you need to ask when valve sizing is “What is my pressure?” ...
Valve Cv applies to the coefficient of pressure drop(ΔP) or head drop (Δh) on the valve of Q(flow capacity). This article will tell you everything about the valve cv.
Internal: Seal: 304/304L 316/316L 410/420/440C 630/XM-19 PTFE/ Metal/SurfacingSTL 型号: TA 不平衡单座式调节阀 CLASS150-900LB PN16-PN64 WCB/WCC WC6/WC9/C5 CF8/CF3 CF8M/CF3M等 Type: TA Unbalanced single seat Control valve CLASS150-900LB PN16-PN64 WCB/WCC WC6/WC9/C5 CF8/CF3 ...
Control Valve、CV3000系列AGVB/ABVM气动顶导向型单座调节阀 定位器 柱塞式 上海迅捷梅隆控制系统有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥5620.00/台 江苏苏州 CV3000电动大口径调节阀 ZDLM-16C 智能型单座调节阀门 硬密封型 执行器 苏州工恒阀门有限公司 6年 查看详情 ¥2450.00 浙江温州 ZDHLS CV3000不锈钢电动调节阀 ...
Control valvesDRAG discFlow capacity (Cv)Establishing the true flow capacity of a control valve is often times critical. The two most common methods for establishing control valve capacity are mathematical modeling and laboratory flow testing. Unfortunately, developing an accurate analytical model usuall...