✓ Create job winning CVs using our Professional CV Examples ✓ Detailed CV writing guide for each job ✓ CV samples for inspiration!
CV summaries for a server job: With over 5 years of dedicated service in fine dining at Michelin-starred restaurants, I possess advanced knowledge of wine pairings, menu curation, and provide an exceptional dining experience. My proudest achievement was being awarded Employee of the Year for consi...
See our template and step-by-step guide and create your own CV in no time! Top 10 Best CV Templates to Download for the UK in 2025 Don’t settle for a good CV template, get the best CV template in the world. Ten of the best in fact. All expertly chosen to do the job of ...
A properly formatted CV is a recruiter’s best friend. It makes their job easier and lets them see your expertise at a glance. But format it badly, and it won’t even get read. That’s why selecting the right CV format and figuring out how to boost your document’s readability is a...
Providing context to recruiters by giving an overview of the company you worked for, the job role you undertook and even the department you were part of. E.g. “Working as a bartender in a busy city centre bar, mixing a range of cocktails, and providing a great customer experience.” ...
Build your CV on this template Whether you’re looking for a role which will fit alongside your studies, or you are looking to ease back into work after a break, finding a part-time job requires a strong CV. Competition for part-time roles can be tough, but a well-written CV is ...
I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work! Dylan My previous CV was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful!
Each guide on the list above will show you, step-by-step,how to write a job-winning CV. 1. Navy Blue & Steel This free CV template for Microsoft Word has a two-column layout, prominent skills section, and a stylish header.Download it for free here. ...
If you are just using the CV template, see the structure options about putting CV/Curriculum Vitae in the heading and which personal details to put in. Here's a very direct local job-hunting method and tool, which is adaptable for your own situation, and can help put your CV in front ...
5. Should I use a resume template in 2023? Resume templates gives you a head start in the process of resume writing. So you can definitely use one to begin with and tailor it to the job application. CV Owl provides you with a collection of professional & ATS friendly resume templates to...