Employees and management are able to voice their opinions when decisions are made. Moreover, this allows less disagreements and misunderstandings between employees and managers allowing the business to operate smoothly. Stress can be defined in terms of ‘how it impacts physical and psychological ...
43. Even though AbbVie is a manufacturer of IMBRUVICA® within the meaning of the IRA and will bear many of the burdens and costs of the IRA "negotiation" regime, CMS has indicated in non-binding guidance that it considers the NDA holder for the selected drug to be the "primary ...
Lectures and sitting in silent rows just doesn't cut it anymore. 仅仅只有讲师在授课,学生在安静聆听是远远不够的。 We have to be able to build relationships with and among our students to help them feel connected in a world that depends on it. 我们需要与学生建立某种关系,帮助他们在这个依赖、...
The pain, the desperation, the hope, the rage, everything about the character was spot on in the voice acting both in human and ghost form. 痛苦绝望 希望 愤怒 无论是人类时期还是变成鬼新娘后人物配音中的情绪都恰到好处 Despite how evil and broken she was, you couldn't help but sympathize...
in Persian, the word “compromise” apparently lacks the positive meaning it has in English of “a midway solution both sides can live with,” but has only a negative meaning as in “our integrity was compromised.” Similarly, the word “mediator” in Persian suggests “meddler,” someone wh...
or if you wield power over them. And it works best with people who pride themselves on being civil—and cringe at the thought of others calling them assholes behind their backs. The well-meaning but clueless CEO of one company that I know was horrified when two female executive vice preside...
The control involves pronouncing a command word letter by letter by the operator (OP) and recognised by a voice recognition unit (1) and transmitted to the man-machine dialogue unit (3). In response the interface produces a request for confirmation or for a discriminating word that is synthesi...
Circulating Stories of Homelessness and Housing Instability: Curating, Composing, and Collaborating on Music for Social Change, MI Homeless Voice Spoken Word Project, with Professor Ben Lauren (WRAC), Undergraduate, Matthew Gillespie (AAHD), and other MSU partners, May 2018–September 2019. | ...
JEAN:(Hesitates, then in a positive voice). That all poor children—yes, of course, of course! JULIE: It must be a terrible misfortune to be poor. JEAN:(With deep pain and great chagrin). Oh, Miss Julie, a dog may lie on the couch of a Countess, a horse may be caressed by a...
The same goes for the voice acting so far with Jiang Guangtao absolutely killing it as Xie Lian. 角色的配音也同样很棒 姜广涛简直就是谢怜本怜 Everything that I said about the animation displaying Xie Lian's personality is mirrored in his voice with the same awkward uncertainty and lack of...