2019. ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019APS..MARC17001F Flórez, Edison; Alejandro F. Maldonado; Gustavo A. Aucar; Jorge David; and Albeiro Restrepo. "Microsolvation of methylmercury: structures, energies, bonding and NMR constants (199Hg, 13C and 17O)." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18...
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%%%% template package for technical guidance. %%Journal article@article{bib1,author="Campbell, S. L. and Gear, C. W.",title="The index of general nonlinear {D}{A}{E}{S}",journal="Numer. {M}ath.",volume="72",number="2",pages="173--196",year="1995"}%%Journal articlewithDOI@...
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