In a bid to curb the threat of recurring crop failure, food insecurity, and drought quandaries, the government of Ethiopia has rapidly expanded on-farm based rainwater harvesting (RWH) interventions. Undoubtedly, the scheme has proffered numerous advantages to its beneficiaries, but it was not wi...
Multiple changes to Ethiopia - Swapped some focuses around to make more sense narratively, bumped up the debt debuffs but made the AI smarter, removed some starting techs, some idea balancing, reduced some focus times, tweaked some companies. 埃塞俄比亚多处改动:调整了一些国策位置使之更合理,提升...
Agriculture also began at a very early period in the forest margins of West Africa, Ethiopia, and the Sahel, the ecoclimatic transition zone between the Sahara Desert and the savanna to the south. Ethiopia has provided the earliest evidence of African farming, dating from about 6,000 years ag...
Background In Ethiopia, stigmatizing attitudes towards people living with HIV have reduced over time. This is mainly due to improved HIV knowledge and the expansion of access to HIV care and support services. However, HIV stigma and discrimination remain a key challenge, and have negative impacts...
Analysis of Teff Value Chain in Bacho and Dawo Districts of South West Shewa, Ethiopia The vast majority of households in Ethiopia live in rural areas and agriculture is still the main economic activity. They rarely produce for the market and are highly dependent on climate for their ...
PROBLEM INTERNET USE IN NURSING STUDENTSAND ITS IMPACT ON HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE Problematic internet use (PIU) has been evaluated as an important factor that negatively affects people's lives, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. ... HH Am,F Karasu - 《Journal of Health ...
performance can beaffectedbysmog. Many childrenfindthemstressful. Plenty of placesrunthembadly.School-leaversin … are oftensetquestions thatrequirethem toparrotpropaganda. Poorly written test papers in developing countrieslead towild swingsin pass rates. Countries, including Algeria and Ethiopia, have...
This report produced using the Legume CHOICE (LC) tool to identify the existing legume species grown by smallholder farmers, assess legume production constraints, and the benefits of legumes and seek niches for new usage of legumes in smallholder farmers in Digga and Sinana woredas of Ethiopia. ...