(6)建议提交PDF版本的CV 在有的电脑上 word 版本的 CV可能会出现乱码,所以推荐大家发 PDF 格式的 ...
9 MA theses, and 2 PhD dissertations. Edited and co-authored 3 monographs on contemporary trends in psychology and psychoanalysis. Published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Make an offer: explain what you hope to achieve for your prospective employer. See the graduate personal statement CV example below to get a grasp of how it works in practice. Sample Graduate CV Personal Statement Highly motivatedKing’s College BA in Marketing and New Media graduate (who you...
因为Writing sample要求高,难度大,如果申请多个专业,还要准备相应数量的Writing sample,申请者应该尽量在11月底之前完成Writing Sample的写作、校对、装订工作。 4)建议给你的Writing Sample做个封面,封面上注明自己的姓名、申请专业等个人信息,如果这个时候已经有了网申的ID,也尽量标注清楚,以便学校在收到你的Writing S...
Academic CV research objective example for PhD application MA student in Sociology and Gender Studies at North American University who made the President’s List for for six consecutive semesters seeking to use a semester-long research internship to enter into postgraduate research on the Impetus for...
top university websites. These includes sample sample CV for master scholarship and sample CV for PhD scholarship. These can also be modified for sample CV for undergraduate scholarship with slight tweaking. We hope this list will help you in writing effective and winning academic CV for ...
Examples of good CV headlines for biology: Senior Research Scientist | Immunology Expert | PhD in Molecular Biology | 10+ Years of Experience Conservation Biologist Coordinator | Wildlife Preservation | MSc Env. Science | Chartered Biologist | 6 Years' Fieldwork Junior Lab Technician | Cellular Biol...
College Application Resume College Graduate Resume English Teacher Resume ESL Teacher Resume Harvard Resume Medical Student Resume PhD Resume Research Assistant Resume Science CV Undergraduate Research Resume Haven't found what you're looking for? Checkall our CV examples. ...
Read my CV as aPDForscroll down to see it in Markdown. Licensed underCreative Commons Attribution Daniel Foreman-Mackey dfm@dfm.io,https://dfm.io Research Engineer, Google DeepMind, New York, NY Education PhD 2015, Department of Physics, New York University. Advisor: Hogg ...
CV & Resume Sample CV与Resume的区别: CV与Resume 都统称简历,但二者实有区别.简单来说,求职一般用Resume;申请学校一般用 CV.CV更强调学术背景;Resume强调个人经历与能力,但有时也不做区分. 有的学校要求的CV,有的学校要求的是Resume,但其实你都应该将简历写成CV的形式,而不 是Resume的形式. CV不应该超过2...