"This CV writing service is fantastic, they recommend it will be completed in 3 days and they done it in 1. I feel confident and ready to apply for cruise ship jobs to start my new venture." Bethany B., Plymouth, UK "Thank you so much, the documents are amazing!" Roman K., Saint...
Power down for 66 seconds. 天枢: “哦对,多亏你借给我们的技术,我们已经开始训练自己的心灵部队了。” TianShu: Thank you for your mind-control technology, Mater Yuri. We can now train our own Psychic Troopers. 天枢: “所以看到你的部队自相残杀的时候,也不要太过惊讶。” TianShu: Please enjoy t...
moor vt. & vi. 停泊, 系泊(船只) cruise ship 游轮 separately adv. 分离地;个别地,分别地 the Court of Appeal 上诉法院 rule against 否决..;对...作出否定的裁决;违反/违背...的规定 commitment 承诺 give the project the go-ahead secure jobs and businesses 保障就业与商业 go against the Paris ...
“投入商业运营”翻译为“went into commercial operation”,这里使用了“go into”这一短语,表示开始或进入某种状态或活动,符合英文表达方式。 “国产大型邮轮”翻译为“a domestically-built large cruise ship”,其中“国产”用“domestically-built”表示,强调其为国内建造; “成功建造”翻译为“was delivered”,这里...
2002 – Makarov Hijacked of a Greek oil Tanker navigating the Turkish straits on its way into the Aegean from Black Sea oil terminals. The ship then made its way into the Mediterranean making for Tripoli where Makarov had close connections with the security services. Greek naval special forces ...
A:What is NY anabbreviationfor ? B:New York. abbreviation n.缩写, 缩写词 A:You alwaysabide bythe law. B:Yes, I think it is important for national governance abide vt. 容忍 abideby 遵守,履行 A:I think my child’s behaviour isabnormal. ...
Strong GDP growth and a soaring stockmarket have created more wealth for India’s rich, but not that many new jobs or wage gains for its poor. 印度强劲的GDP增长和股市飙升,确实为富人阶层带来了更多的财富积累,但并未给贫困阶层带来许多新的就业机会或工资增长。
B. Rhythms of the Night- Sunset Cruise. C. Sayulita Escape. D. Las Caletas Beach Hideaway. ·根据The use of kayaks(独木舟)and stand-up paddle-boards is all available, as well as a scenic nature walk and admission to Kids Adventure Park forthe young ones.可知D正确。
All jobsfor the event need to be at least200 kmor more. You can check if your recent deliveries met these conditions using your Log Book in your World of Trucks profile. Rewards: Personal goal:Players that deliver cargoto or from20uniqueIberian cities will gain a personalWorld of Trucks Ach...
L)The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents. M)As for Venetians, they're beyond frustrated and hoping for a solution soon. "It's a nigh...