I spent the summer being responsible for a group of ten 7-10 year olds in a residential Camp in the USA. I was entrusted with the full-time supervision of these children, whether it be pastoral care, coaching sports, teaching piano and leading various recreational activities. This was a br...
For a start, the popular narrative makes an important omission: the roughly four-fifths of the world’s 12- to 27-year-olds who live in emerging economies. Thanks to growth and the spread of technology, youngsters in places like Jakarta, Mumbai or Nairobi are far better off than their par...
Mary-Jo Saunders goes to kindergarten every morning, justlikemany otherfive-year-oldsin New York. Today, she is learning a poem.Whatis special isthatit is a Chinese poem andthatshe is able toreciteit without an accent.Soonshe is going to learn Chinese handwriting too. “Learning the world...
and the store was flooded with six-year-olds,prancingfor their mothers in red velvet hats and skirts sparkling withsequinsof deepscarlet. I watched themwiggleand leap through theaisles, their thin legs covered only by sheer tights. I thought they ...
①Being a man has always been dangerous.②There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men.③ But the great universal of male mortality is beingchanged.④Now...
with the poem. For examples and explanation, see my Learning to Labour and The Ethnographic Imagination. 6. In a text that is still influential, Fei Xiaotong argues in From the Soil (1949; Eng. trans. University of California Press,
with the poem. For examples and explanation, see my Learning to Labour and The Ethnographic Imagination. 6. In a text that is still influential, Fei Xiaotong argues in From the Soil (1949; Eng. trans. University of California Press,