the solution turned a dark blue-green at the end of the reaction time. One gram of each sample was added to 4 mL of methanol, sonicated, and filtered through Whatman 0.45 μm PTFE filters. A calibration curve using Trolox at increasing concentrations [2.5–30 µM] was constructed. The ...
[Arcaea 节奏谱] Pentiment JustinHaibara 关注 专栏/[Arcaea 节奏谱] Pentiment [Arcaea 节奏谱] Pentiment 2022年07月12日 23:24750浏览· 19点赞· 1评论 JustinHaibara 粉丝:2488文章:4 关注PRS 8 谱面制作:@JustinHaibara FTR 10 谱面制作:@KuroKatz BYD 11 谱面制作:@KuroKatz...
#cv倒霉死勒[超话]# 💫 #哦呦Time# 哦呦·吴韬长沙专场见面会✨ 🍃飘下的落叶,就像关于你的记忆碎片🧩被我小心捡起 妥善保管💝 关注@OYO哦呦文化 +卷发+🍎本条微博,抽取一个小伙伴送出一套签名周边🫶🏻
因为以前的东西经常被莫名其妙的搬运还被人改一改写他名字了,以后就全部做成图片打水印 另外一篇:Pentiment 饭点能获取到的信息汇总
my time in tims 第一次来tims就只买了摩卡甜甜圈 过于好吃三四口就干掉了忘记拍照留念 下次再吃补上来这次直接团购了俩贝果一个季节限定绿🍩纯属看着好看「抹茶麻薯甜甜圈」emmm怎么说呢 只能看不能吃...跟他家的奥利奥咖啡甜甜圈大哥比 真的很不好吃 甜甜圈怎么能不甜 抹茶不够浓郁 麻薯太小口感不好「肉桂...
A method for preventing a time error in a mobile terminal is provided to prevent an error of time information recorded in an RTC(Real Time Clock) register of a main processor when the main processor using the time information is initialized in a mobile terminal having the main processor managi...
Your parents won't always be around,(2)___spend time with them while you are able to. This doesn't mean just sitting in front of the TV together. Instead,find activities to do together. Talk with your parents. To know your parents better,you should try to ha...
侵删,原文为What Is Obsidian’s Pentiment? - IGN 黑曜石的《Pentiment》是什么? *注:Pentiment源于意大利文Pentirsi(变换)一词。画家在绘画制作过程中,每常有所修改,如改变人物的形象或四肢的动作位置,日子一长,原先所画的形象往往会在完成后的作品的表层下模糊的出现,或者出现翻色现象,我们称之为Pentime...
Pentiment PUPA Trap Crow Infinite Strife, Loveless Dress Altair Arcana Eden Redraw the Colorless World Last Last | Moment Last | Eternity Testify Pentiment Original 分享到: 投诉或建议 澄霖www NO. 050769 求一个剧情里的拉格兰 高三想要定制成海报( ...