15,560 pedestrian and non-pedestrian samples (image cut-outs) and 6744 additional full images not containing pedestrians for bootstrapping. The test set contains more than 21,790 images with 56,492 pedestrian labels (fully visible or partially occluded), captured from a vehicle in urban traffic...
QMUL Junction DatasetA busy traffic dataset for research on activity analysis and behaviour understanding.Miracl-VC1Miracl-VC1 is a lip-reading dataset including both depth and color images. Fifteen speakers positioned in the frustum of a MS Kinect sensor and utter ten times a set of ten words...
WDR_VC_NUMNumberofWDRchannels.Thevalueis2in2-framecombination WDRmode,andtheumvalueis4. TheHi3516Asupportsonlythe2-framecombinationWDRmode. SYNC_CODE_NUMNumberofcodewords.Thesync_codeofeachlaneconsistsof fourcodewords.Themeaningsofthecodewordsvaryindifferent modes. Table2-3describesthemeaningsofsync_code...
Wu, and W. Zeng, "Adaptive Nonlocal Sparse Representation for Dual- Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Oct. 2016. 3 L. Wang, Z. Xiong, G. Shi, W. Zeng, and F. Wu, "Simultaneous Depth and Spectral Imaging with A...
图2 同一建筑物光学与SAR图像切片Fig. 2 Optical image and SAR image of the same building 图选项 2.2 模型匹配反演建筑物高度 通过建立高亮特征几何模型,并与真实SAR图像进行匹配,获得最佳匹配度的模型参数即可以反映实际建筑物尺寸。如此就将建筑物尺寸提取问题转换成模型匹配问题。模型匹配的过程分3个步骤:① 模...
Key words: Hotine-Helmert boundary-value calculation model the direct and indirect topographic effects the low-degree modified spheroidal Hotine kernel quasi-geoid 似大地水准面是正常高高程系统的基准面,其与参考椭球面之间的距离为高程异常,与地面点间的距离为正常高。我国使用正常高系统,高精度地确定似大地水...
Point Cloud Information Extraction for Streetlights with Vehicle-borne LiDAR LI Yongqiang , DONG Yahan, ZHANG Xitong, LI Pengpeng Abstract: The acquisition of detailed information for the streetlights in a large scene remains a tough task since the streetlights are of great number and types. In...
式中,ρ为地形密度;R为地球平均半径。将大地水准面外真实地形产生的引力位表示为Vt,压缩地形产生的引力位表示为Vc,其算法分别为 (2) 式中,G为引力常数;Ω0代表全球积分区域;r为积分点的地心向径;rP为计算点的地心向径;地心距 、P0= ;ψ为积分点和计算点间的角距。