Federal prosecutors chose not to charge Calabrese for his involvement in the Ameritrust case, but that didn’t stop Cuyahoga County prosecutors from obtaining grand jury indictments against Calabrese for racketeering, bribery and other crimes linked to the ill-fated deal. In court documents filed Th...
Shoveling Smoke is pleased to welcome The Honorable Brendan J. Sheehan, Administrative Judge of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas and our...
suggestion being that federal help was needed. But despite the fact that federal laws such as the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and the 1965 Federal Water Pollution Control Act were
In February, 1965 the boards of the Cleveland Public and Cuyahoga County Library Districts engaged the Regional Planning Commission to prepare a plan for t... Cleveland,OH - Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151 (PB 177 494, MF $.65, HC $3.00)...