The Friends and Family Alpha for World of Warcraft Shadowlands started this week, and like I assumed I did not get an invite. There was a time when I was pretty much getting these like clockwork, but I feel like I have said enough bad stuff about the company and the game that I am ...
“The form a parent’s rigidity may take when it hardens into an adversary position will differ with the type of inner child he has, but what they all have in common is enormous rage and outrage if you fail to act as they expect. And theirs is not a transient outburst at une...
Once the timer goes off remove the pan from the oven and place a clean towel over the top. Let the dish rest for five minutes, remove the towel and garnish with parsley and green onions, then serve. Share this: Facebook Email Twitter Pinterest Pocket Tumblr Print LinkedIn Reddit Loading....
and from the sofa I can see spots of blue sky peeking through the towering redwoods on our steep hill. Friends will be arriving shortly. It’s time to get up and prepare the batter, since it must rest for at least an hour. If the rain holds off, we will take an afternoon...
Friends often accuse me of using appliances differently then anyone else, most recently crock pots were entered as evidence into this court of opinion. So I asked myself, “why would I grill a steak?” It took all of a second to answer my own question, “why not sear cauliflower steaks...
After this is done you may find subtle beneficial changes happen in your relationships after you sever ties to people you love such as family and close friends. It won't cut you off from them unless it's what you both want, and there is nothing to fear in doing this....
On Wednesday afternoon, members of the development team held an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) on the game’s subReddit (/r/heroesofthestorm) where fans were chomping at the bit to get the opportunity to have their questions answered.
This is a tricky story, friends… It comesto us fromReddit’s “Am I the ***?” page and, while I can see where this woman is coming from, I also think that she’s pretty out of line… But that’s just my opinion! Get the...
As per industry standard, YouTube TV does boast a DVR. Impressively, it's sans storage limits. Well, sort of. Although touted as limitless, recordings can only be kept for nine months. Still, storage space is unlimited. For account sharing with family and friends, you can create up to ...
Warning: This will be a long post. I have significantly edited down this story based on inputs from friends to preserve anonymity. Sadly it means leaving out some juicy bits about how your favorite Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member or org leader sh...