D-Tech International Ltd develops, manufactures & supplies cutting edge technology products and solutions across all sectors, with a particular expertise in RFID technology. Get in touch today on 01394 420077.
面向开放世界的检测与理解统一视觉模型 Grounding DINO 1.6 Pro 拓展开放目标检测的能力边界 立即体验申请 API 试用访问博客 Grounding DINO 1.6 Edge 开创性的端侧开集目标检测 立即体验申请 API 试用访问博客 T-Rex2 迈向通用目标检测的下一步 立即体验
The term “cutting-edge technology” refers totechnological achievements, techniques, or devices, that employ the most current and advanced developments in the area of information technology.In order to be called “cutting edge”, technology must becurrent and innovative,representing the most recen...
CERN openlab summer students work on cutting-edge computing projects for nine weeks. Credit: CERN The lectures are organized as part of CERN openlab’s annual summer-student program. For the first time since 2019, summer students are back on the CERN site. The CERN openlab summer stude...
The quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, the combination of AI and edge computing, and the use of blockchain technology are all on the cutting edge of computing. Together, these trends bring computer science into a new era and lay the groundwork for groundbreaking uses that will shape the...
The 8th China Brand Day has dazzled attendees with displays of artificial intelligence, smart parking, foldable TVs, and the whirring efficiency of robotic arms. These advancements highlight the role of technology in driving China's econo...
cutting edge technology 尖端技术 cutting edge science 尖端科学 at the cutting edge 处在(高科技)的最前沿 at the cutting edge of 处在最前沿的位置 cutting edge 1. 最前沿(用于商业、科技开发及类似领域),尖端,最前列,前峰(科学、艺术、运动等的前沿) eg.Computer companies will be showing off ...
cutting edge ph. 1.最前线;尖端 2.最重要的位置 technology n.[U] 1.科技,工艺及应用科学(如工程技术),工艺学,工程学 2.(工业等方面的)技术应用 edge n. 1.[C] 边;边缘;边线;边沿 2.[C] 刀口;刀刃;利刃 3.[通常为the edge](尤指灾难的)边缘 4.[edge on/over sb/sth](微弱的)优势 5....
Oleg Vornik, DroneShield's CEO, said "We are pleased to add this ground-breaking technology to our systems, enabling our customers a unique camera-based detection, ID and tracking of improvised threats such as UAS. This project has been a great example of collaboration between an Australian de...
词汇cutting edge 释义 noun workingat the cutting edgeof computer technology在计算机技术的最前沿工作We're relying on him to give the team a cutting edge.我们指望他给这个队带来优势。 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习...