Sending e-cards is another alternative when considering ways to say sorry. They offer a quick way to extend an apology for minor infractions and can contain long heartfelt messages or be a simple'sorry' image or meme like the one below. For more serious infractions, e-cards can be used ...
I was only able to be in San Diego for one of the days of the conference – long enough to catch several excellent talks, but briefly enough that I’m relying on Ryan Singel of Wired to catch talks that I’m very sorry to miss:Larry Lessig’s plans to change congress; Quinn Norton,...
lifeisgood.imgrateful gonnamissyoujamesxo comfortingfriendshipforeveryone shinebrightlikeadiamond mykeytohappiness lifesgood happythanksgivingtoallofyou! lifesbeautifulwhenyousmile staypositive longlife.suckitup happybirthdaymaggieann surrendertotheuniverse lifesgood.suckitup lifesgood.smilethough...