FCPX快速下载安装 Final Cut Pro X for Mac fcpx视频剪辑编辑软件,支持最新M4芯片,支持mac mini4。Final Cut Pro X 在视频剪辑方面进行了大规模更新,新的Magnetic Timeline“磁性时间线”可令多条剪辑片段如磁铁般吸合在一起。同样,剪辑片段能够自动让位,避免剪辑冲突和同步问题。Clip Connections片段相连功能可将B...
The Scale option is for resizing the image. Click the small arrow alongside it and then you will see X and Y options. To flip the video clip, just enter-1oo in the X sidebar and press theEnterkey. You will see then the selected clip in the timeline will be flipped horizontally to a...
FCPXTemplates.com is the “storefront” for Sight-Creations (the d.b.a. for F. X. Mahoney a.k.a., “Fox” Mahoney) since Nov. 1, 2013. There are also galleries of some of my work, a few online tools like theMotion Template Backdater, and several blog entries. ...
Introduced from Pixel Film Studios, Final Cut Pro X users can now soften or subdue noise or grain from their video clip with the ProDenoise plugin. With ProDenoise, you can sharpen your video cleaner and sharper in just a few mouse clicks quicker. A great-looking video is ready to be craf...
• Magnetic Timeline 使用進階的後設資料和 Clip Connections 功能以進行更快速簡單的編輯 • Enhanced Timeline Index 可讓你拖放音訊角色以重新排列時間列的佈局 • 強大的拖放 Object Tracker 會自動將字幕和效果與面孔或物件的移動做比對 • 更改在 iPhone 上以電影級模式拍攝的影片焦點或景深效果(需要 macO...
Generator Clip: Guitar Chords 2.0 is accessed as a generator clip from the Final Cut Pro Titles and Generators sidebar, providing a seamless integration into your editing workflow. Customization Options: Customize the appearance of the chord diagrams, including the ability to hide finger numbers, adj...
Final Cut Pro X: Create Compound Clip Transitions Larry (This article was suggested byFairlie Arrow.) Fairliewrites: “I always have issues with adding fades and other transitions between compound clips in FCPX, especially at the heads, not so much the tails. I understand that you go into ...
I need to break apart multicam clips by Command Shift G, that I can move my project to other edit software.I think this is a very basic function that FCPX should has. Jing Liddell , 2024/10/20 Hope the features improve. The video editing software hasn't been updated for a long ti...
These transitions have to be applied to the correct “in” or “out” side of a clip to work properly, but they do allow you to customise the way a clip enters or leaves the frame. PiP Kit also includes several adjustment layer titles that change everything below them, and uniquely, ...
Ensure that the clip with Film Convert applied to it is selected on your timeline, with the playhead above it. This ensures that the clip is the active clip in FCPX. With the clip selected, the effects panel should show as below: Locate the Get FilmConvert drop down, which has two entri...