If one of these functions is used as method, boot_cut bootstrap samples are drawn, the cutpoint optimization is carried out in each one and a summary (e.g. the mean) of the resulting optimal cutpoints on the bootstrap samples is returned as the optimal cutpoint in cutpointr. Note ...
A casualty of cut-and-paste in Chapter 3 of Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R. Brad McNeney from Simon Fraser sent me a nice email about the end of Example 3.6 missing a marginal estimate. Indeed, it does. And it should have been obvious from the “estimates” we derived, 19 and...
INShortcut INShortcut Constructeurs Propriétés Méthodes INSiriAuthorizationStatus INSortType INSpatialEvent INSpatialEventTrigger INSpatialEventTriggerResolutionResult INSpeakable_Extensions INSpeakableString INSpeakableStringResolutionResult INStartAudioCallIntent INStartAudioCallIntentHandling_Extensions INStartAudioC...
GetStringDelegate HierarchyNode HierarchyNode.NodeStateFlags HierarchyNodeContainer HierarchyNodeList HierarchyNodeListForXMLSerializer IPreloadable IScriptingOptions ISessionController ISqlToolsHierarchy ISqlToolsHierNode ISqlToolsHierNodeContainer ISqlToolsHierNodeContainerCustomize ISqlToolsHierNod...
cutpointr: Improved Estimation and Validation of Optimal Cutpoints in R 'Optimal cutpoints' for binary classification tasks are often established by testing which cutpoint yields the best discrimination, for example the Youden index, in a specific sample. This results in 'optimal' cutpoints that ...
the second element of the list can be a string (which will be mapped to a predefined function) or a custom made 2 argument function that is applied on all possible bin combinations, its arguments are : * bin size * the cut points ...
Displays the next command in the history command buffer. <Ctrl+P> Displays the previous command in the history command buffer. <Ctrl+T> Enters a question mark (?). <Ctrl+W> Deletes a character string on the left side of the cursor. <Ctrl+X> Deletes all the characters on the left ...
OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) read-write This object indicates the user group that a user who is to be disconnected belongs to. The value is a string of 1 to 64 characters. current Creation Restriction The entries in this table cannot be created. Modification Restriction The entries in...
API of Articut 中文斷詞 (兼具語意詞性標記):「斷詞」又稱「分詞」,是中文資訊處理的基礎。Articut 不用機器學習,不需資料模型,只用現代白話中文語法規則,即能達到 SIGHAN 2005 F1-measure 93% 以上,Recall 96% 以上的成績。 - Blaming ArticutAPI/ArticutAPI.py at