The result for SSC MTS Exam will be released soon along with the cutoff, till then candidates can check the SSC MTS Expected Cutoff 2024-25 and prepare for upcoming stages.
SSC Stenographer Cut Off 2023 The Staff Selection Commission will release the SSC Stenographer Cut Off 2023 with the result of the Computer Based Test scheduled in October 2023. Candidates will find all the details regarding the revised exam date of Stenographer CBT exam and other examinations onSS...
SSC Cut Off 2020-21. SSC Cut Off marks released by the Staff Selection Commission for all exams are given. Check SSC Cut Off 2019-2020 for GD, CPO, MTS, CGL, CHSL, CGL, Stenographer and JE.
SSC CHSL Cut off 2025 SSC CHSL Tier 2 cutoff will be announced in PDF format along with the result. This PDF will show the cutoff marks for each post and category. Candidates who score above the cutoff can check their names in the result. Additionally, the official notice mentions the min...
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RReeaall--ttiimmee iimmaaggiinnggoofftthheebbiirreeffrriinnggeenncceeffoorrtthheessppeecciimmeennssdduurriinnggllooaaddiinnggaalllloowwssuussttooiinnvveessttiiggaatteetthhee crack tip behaviors at the rupture point for the D-cut and C-cut specimens. By this means, the highly deformed region ...
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The below table shows the cut-off for the SSC CPO 2023 prelims exam for various categories and the number of candidates who qualified for each category. SSC CPO 2023 Prelims Cut-off for Female SC ST OBC EWS UR Total Cut Off Marks 115.22565 109.98635 137.19433 138.99649 143.83082 – ...
The below table shows the cut-off for the SSC CPO 2023 prelims exam for various categories and the number of candidates who qualified for each category. SSC CPO 2023 Prelims Cut-off for Female SC ST OBC EWS UR Total Cut Off Marks 115.22565 109.98635 137.19433 138.99649 143.83082 – ...