I want to turn it into a simple, round image: So I basically want to place a circle above said objects and cut everything away outside that circle. I've tried to do that in several ways: For instance, I've placed a rectangle with a circular hole in it on top o...
Solved: I would like to cut a piece out of a circle to let a font run out of the circle. When I try the different paths, the circle or the contour is always - 11487757
Where the Eraser tool differs from the Knife is that any part of the shape that you drag over will completely disappear. The Eraser Tool behaves like a brush insofar as it has a defined size, and where the periphery of the brush circle is will be where the shapes that have been affected...
what we're going to do is create a mask for this layer instead of erasing everything. That's not the bird, um, this icon down here, it looks like a rectangle with a circle in the middle of
To finish drawing your path, move the cursor over the very first point. As you hover, you will see a little circle. Click on that point to close the path and finish drawing. Tip: The goal is to outline the subject with the least amount of points possible. ...
I'm embarrased to say it's really not a very complex shape..it's the "Yin Yang" sign, I'm trying to cut through the areas that are white (the small white circles over the dark semi-circle) & small dot on the dark background, so that I can place this onto any colour of back...
up the dry wall mounts, stick the head of the screw through the larger circle in the spice rack corners. Then, slide the spice rack down, locking it into place. If you ever need to remove the spice rack, you can just slide the spice rack up and pull it off the head of the screw...
4 of those lines I have to make short, every 5th has to stay a little bit longer. I've tried : a boolean operation by adding another circle >select all > subtract : doesn't work. Either the circle gets deleted, or the degree lines disappear. ...
prize = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: ImageName.prize) prize.position = CGPoint(x: size.width * 0.5, y: size.height * 0.7) prize.zPosition = Layer.prize prize.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: prize.size.height / 2) prize.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.prize prize.physicsB...