📒 I don’t think the plan is as cut as dried as people think. 我并不认为这项计划像大家所想的那样已成定局,不能更改。㊙️ 常常用于否定也可以写成cut and dry Pic:是 CoCo Chanel的经典语录:没有时间让你做一成不变又单调的事,因为时间是用来工作与恋爱的。另:还有些颇具玩味的话Nature ...
Cut and dried. Cut就是切东西的切。大家都知道,英文里有许多字既可做动词,也可以做名词或形容词。Dry就是一个例子。Dry run里的dry是一个形容词,但是cut and dried里的dried 是从动词to dry变形而来,也就是动词to dry的过去式,意思是已经干了。Cut and dried这个习惯用语的含义实际上跟cut 和dry都没有...
英 na.“cut-and-dry”的变体 网络枯燥无味的;事先准备好的;事先准备的 同义词 反义词 adj. decided,finished,settled,fixed,agreed 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 cut-and-dried 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 已成定局;不容更改decided in a way that cannot be changed or argued about ...
cut-and-dry adj. 1 according to ordinary expectations 同义词: cut-and-dried 网络释义 早准备好的 ... cut-and-dried 事先准备的 cut-and-dry 早准备好的 cut-and-try 试验性的 ... 相关网页 呆板的 ... 斑点呆塘鳢 speckled sleeper 呆板的 cut-and-dry; formalistic; precise; prim; torp...
Adj.1.cut-and-dry- according to ordinary expectations cut-and-dried ordinary- not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; "ordinary everyday objects"; "ordinary decency"; "an ordinary day"; "an ordinary wine" ...
or cut-and-dry [ kuht-n-drahyd ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA adjective prepared or settled in advance; not needing much thought or discussion: a cut-and-dried decision. lacking in originality or spontaneity; routine; boring: a lecture that was cut-and-dried. 1 / Read More Play Video ...
cut-and-cover cut-and-dried cut-and-dry cut-and-paste cut-and-thrust cutaneal cutaneous cutaneous anthrax cutaneous leishmaniasis cutaneous sensation cutaneous senses cutaneous vein cutaway Cutaway coat cutaway drawing cutaway model cutback cutbank ...
cut-and-dried cut-and-dry cut-and-paste cut-down Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler cut-off cut-off date cut-off point cut-off rule cut-off time 将“cut-and-dried"翻译成捷克文 definitivní, rutinní, šablonovitý是“cut-and-dried"到 捷克文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:It's no...
cut-and-driedadjectiveUS/ˈkʌt·ənˈdrɑɪd/(also cut-and-dry, US/ˈkʌt·ənˈdrɑɪ/)clear and simple and removing any further uncertainty or difficulty:Unfortunately, there is no cut-and-dried answer to the problem of immigration.to be at an extremely low level ...
“You can’t really think that Mab’s motives and plans are that direct, thatcut-and-dried.” No creerás de verdad que la motivación y los planes de Mab sontandirectosy sencillos. Literature “Hay” meanscut and driedgrass with a dry matter content above 80 %.’ ...