unionn. [C] 协会,同盟,工会 [U] 1. 团结,和睦 2. 合并,联合 Unionn.结合; 合并,和谐,联邦, 联盟, (常大写, 用于名称中)(大学的)学生自治会, 会社, 社团 centraladj. 1.最重要的,首要的,主要的 2.起支配作用的,有控制力的 3.在中心的,中央的 4.容易到达的,交通方便的,四通八达的 ...
Hence, the drive began toward creating an integrated European financial area on which the monetary and economic union of Europe was built. The 1990s witnessed the birth of the European Community economic policy with a single currency and a single monetary authority supported by coordinated budgetary ...
Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC) 词典 字典 诗词 范文 成语 英汉 谜语 对联 谚语 更多 词条 专 业会计专业英汉词典 词性 翻 译中非关税与经济联盟
什么是海关联盟认证 What is the Customs Union 海关联盟(以下简称"CU")是国家间经济合作的一种形式,旨在简化关税并为所有成员建立统一关税。自2015年1月1日起,海关联盟CU成为欧亚经济联盟(以下简称EAEU)的一部分。目前,该联盟成员包括俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、亚美尼亚和吉尔吉斯斯坦。 The Customs Union(hereinaft...
Related to customs union:Common Market,Economic union customs union n. An international association organized to eliminate customs restrictions on goods exchanged between member nations and to establish a uniform tariff policy toward nonmember nations. ...
5) custom union 关税同盟 1. As a significant phase of regional economy integration, CU(Custom Union Substantially abolishes all tariff barriers and other restrictions to trade between member states, although CU doesn't realize the maximum welfare, it does enhance the welfare level of the whole ...
CEUCA的意思 CEUCA 英文缩写CEUCA 英文全称Central African Customs and Economic Union 中文解释中非关税经济同盟 缩写分类经济管理 缩写简介学习应用类查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 诗词大全 英文缩写 英语单词 在线翻译 英文名 科技名词 五笔字根表 笔画数 偏旁部首 汉字拼音 区位码 郑码查询 仓颉编码 四角号码...
1) Central African Customs and Economic Union/CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟 2) Sino-Africa 中非 1. Sino-African Education Cooperation Brings New Opportunities to Foreign Exchange in Chinese Colleges and Universities; 中非教育合作为高校对外交流带来新机遇 ...
An economic union is a type of trade bloc. It refers to an agreement between countries that allows products, services, and workers to cross borders freely.
[Draft programme for the establishment of a food security sub-regional system for UDEAC (Central African Customs and Economic Union)... Common Market With Some Uncommon Problems: Central Africa Economic Customs Union (CAECU) Performance indicators for international statistical organisations. ...