CBP Form 3461 is the document submitted electronically to U.S. Customs, where they either release the shipment or designate it for exam. CBP form 7501, the Customs Entry, is used to calculate duties and provide detailed information. 阅读更多内容 ...
摘要: Within the framework of this article, it is proposed to consider, in summary form, the doctrines of custom, usage, and rules frequently violated by stockbrokers.年份: 1963 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 paperity.org engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu engaged...
2024年译林版高中英语必修第二册Unit 3 Festivals and customs Section Ⅱ Grammar and usage Integrated skills.pptx,Section Ⅱ Grammar and usage Integrated skills;;新知感知·自学导引;Ⅰ.核心单词 1.___ vt. vi. 赚得;获利;赢得 2.___ n. 镜
3. Law A common tradition or usage so long established that it has the force or validity of law. 4. Habitual patronage, as of a store: tried to obtain the custom of the wealthiest shoppers. 5. customs a. Duties or taxes imposed on imported and, less commonly, exported goods. b....
development.Therefore,theunderstandingandtranslationoftheword“customs”shouldbebasedthefactandcontext. Keywords:“customs”;etymology;meaning;usage 由于工作的关系,平常需要阅读许多介绍海关业务和法规 的文章。其中最频繁遇见的一个词便是“customs”。对该词的 ...
高中英语译林版《必修第二册》教案讲义:Unit 3 Festivals and customs-Section Ⅱ.pdf,Section Ⅱ Grammarandusage Integratedskills Ⅰ.核心单词 1.___ t. i. 赚得;获利;赢得 v v 2.___ n. 镜子 3.___ n. 公寓套房 4.___ n.
What are royalties and licensing fees? Royalties are usage-based payments from one party to another. Licensing fees are paid as part of an agreement that define the terms under which a tangible property is licensed for use by one party to another. Read More ...
3.The paper begins with some concrete cases,analyzes the conflict between custom and our present law,and the standard—ethics,which introduces custom into our law.从具体案例入手,剖析了司法实践中善良习惯与现行法律规范的冲突以及将风俗习惯纳入法律中的衡量标准,并着重强调善良习惯在社会生活中乃至在法治中...
9.A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.惯例某民族一代代人一直遵守的一种思想或行为方式;习惯或习俗 10.The minority peoples have the right to retain or change their folkways and customs, which are respected by the state...
The meaning of CUSTOM is a usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual. How to use custom in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Custom.