Customs and Border Protection Officer (VRA): Duties include overseeing inspections of people and the things they bring across the border as well as preventing trafficking of drugs and humans. Customs & Borders has a particularly high need for this position in Arizona. General Attorney: The Office...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection offers excellent opportunities for advancement thanks to the growth of the organization since U.S. terrorism concerns spiked after the 9/11 attacks. Qualified agents who prove themselves on the job may advance to GS-12 supervisory positions, receiving increasing ...
Primary job functions do not typically require exercising independent judgment. Typically reports to a manager. (Copyright 2024 Recently Added Customs Officer jobs U Border Patrol Agent - Entry Level US Customs and Border Protection Keansburg, NJ FULL_TIME Border Patrol Agent ...
Apply this Job U Border Patrol Agent - Entry Level US Customs and Border Protection Hewitt, NJ FULL_TIME Border Patrol AgentNATIONWIDE OPENINGS INCLUDING NORTHERN BORDER STATIONS – APPLY TODAY!The U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) offers those interested in a career in law enforcement an excep...
There are plenty of opportunities to land a CBP Officer job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting a CBP Officer resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition. ...
There is a constant flow of these products into the country and, as a customs agent, it is your job to stop them. This can involve the use of complicated equipment and technical software, along with sniffer dogs. Here are some of the things you may do as an officer:...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Inspector's Field Manual Charles M. Miller, Editor Editor's Notes This publication of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Inspector's Field Manual (hereinafter cited as the IFM) is the result of a successful Freedom of Information Act appeal. Since the...
5. Negatives of Being a Customs and Border Protection Officer Although moving around may be a positive for some, this is not always the case. For those unwilling to move, CBP may not be for you. Those with families and loved ones, moving around the country may not be the most ideal si...
Katrina C. On Customs and Border Protection Exam Practice The CBP Entrance Exam is intentionally designed to be hard, since it shortlists the most capable candidates who possess the required abilities to succeed both in the tough CBP academy training and in the demanding day-to-day job. ...
How do you become a US Customs Officer? How do I become a US Customs agent? How do I become a custom border officer? How long does it take to become a CBP officer? bahamas customs job application bahamas customs job application form immigration application forms customs recruitment 2022...