Learn by doing with interactive training for Windows 10, Office 365, Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, and more. Try it for free!
Absence of direct API access.Ready-made learning solutions can’t predict all the services users might need to integrate with. Existing training software often can’t provide direct integration with certain platforms. For example, TalentLMS users don’t like that they need to use Zapier (a global...
For access to both GET and POST/DELETE endpoints: okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.manage For access to GET endpoints only: okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.read Alternatively, you can grant scopes using theGrant consent to scope for app(opens new window)operation of the Apps API. ...
DMA: Direct Memory Access TLP: Transaction Layer Packet DSN: Device Serial Number DW: Double Word | DWORD Donor card: A card that will be used to get IDs/config space and will not be used on your main PC (Eg. PCIE Wifi card)
This paper describes various types of access to information. After establishing the importance of information access, several means to do so are discussed. A custom Wikipedia is explored as an example of a simple and effective way of increasing access to information. Reasons for establishing a ...
You can delete a custom access control policy that is not attached to folders or members. Background information System access control policies cannot be deleted. Prerequisites The custom access control policy that you want to delete is detached from folders and members. For information about ...
为目标服务绑定权限策略AliyunContainerRegistryReadOnlyAccess或者AliyunContainerRegistryFullAccess。 具体操作,请参见授予函数计算访问其他云服务的权限。函数计算需要使用上述策略中的权限获取容器镜像服务中默认实例的临时账号,然后利用该临时账号推送位于您的私有镜像仓库中的镜像。 步骤二:创建函数 登录函数计算控制台,在...
Service Management in Access Manager provides a mechanism for you to define, integrate, and manage groups of attributes as an Access Manager service. Readying a service for management involves:Creating an XML service file Configuring an LDIF file with any new object classes and importing both the...
Service Management in Access Manager provides a mechanism for you to define, integrate, and manage groups of attributes as an Access Manager service.Readying a service for management involves:Creating an XML service file Configuring an LDIF file with any new object classes and importing both the ...
Firstly, I would like to briefly explain that currently, configuring a custom domain directly on Azure Storage is only supported for HTTP. If HTTP access is allowed, you can follow this official documentation for configuration:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blo...