复数:customers 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. regular customer,important customer,satisfied customer,good customer,prospective customer v.+n. meet customer,attract customer,serve customer 英汉 英英 n. 1. (经常的)顾客,主顾,客户,买主 2. 〈口〉(打交道的)人,家伙;〈美口〉观众,听众 ...
Customerswho arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5. 透支的客户每月要缴纳5英镑的费用。 柯林斯例句 I think morecustomersprobably prefer a soft sell. 我认为更多的顾客也许更喜欢软性推销。 柯林斯例句 There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-pluscustomers. ...
customers是什么意思、customers怎么读 读音:英['kʌstəməz] 美['kʌstəməz] 雅思 customers 基本解释 n. [商业]客户( customer的名词复数 );主顾;[口]家伙;[计算机]用户 customers 词性变化 原型:customer 词组短语 1、customersdeposit客户保证金,客户定金 ...
customers 级别 附加级 音标 [ 'kʌstəməz ] 解释 n.[商业]客户( customer的名词复数 );主顾;[口]家伙;[计算机]用户 英英释义 发音 例句 1. If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. 如果你要吸引更多顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。 2. He enjoyed ...
customers的意思是顾客或客户。 以下是详细解释: 一、基本定义 “customers”是“customer”的复数形式。在日常商业和服务行业中,这个词通常用来表示来到或接触某一家企业或商店的购买者或者接受服务的人。他们可能是个人,也可能是团体或组织。这些顾客或客户为企业带来收入,是企业发展的重要支柱。 二、商业语境中的应...
customers n.顾客;家伙 释义常用度 顾客 名词customer的复数形式英英释义 名词customer: someone who pays for goods or services 临近词 customer bias customer role customer item customer type customer site customer care customer line customer base customer risk customer data customer...
customers 常考释义 n. 顾客;家伙 变形词 复数customers 托福常考例句 It was designed for use in Kinetoscope parlors, or arcades, which contained only a few individual machines and permitted only one customer to view a short, 50-foot film at any one time. ...
1. Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5.(透支的客户每月要缴纳5英镑的费用。) 2. A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.(每天点同一种三明治的顾客多得惊人。) 3. However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook customer (redirected fromCustomers) Thesaurus Financial Idioms cus·tom·er (kŭs′tə-mər) n. 1.One that buys goods or services, as from a store or business. 2.InformalAn individual with whom one must deal:That teacher is a tough customer. ...
复数:customers 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. regular customer,important customer,satisfied customer,good customer,prospective customer v.+n. meet customer,attract customer,serve customer 英汉 英英 n. 1. (经常的)顾客,主顾,客户,买主 2. 〈口〉(打交道的)人,家伙;〈美口〉观众,听众 ...