Customer Service Jobs - Look no further than Customerservicecrossing for Customer Service Manager Jobs, Customer Service Representative Jobs, Call Center Jobs, Retail Customer Service Jobs, Entry Level Customer Service Jobs to enhance your Customer Servi
杭州佳地科技有限公司是美国Gotobus在中国的分公司,近年来境内外业务发展势头迅猛,亟需各类优秀人士加入我们的团队,一起成长,一起壮大。公司将提供有竞争力的薪酬和良好的发展空间。 公司提供完善的福利体系:国家法定节假日、带薪年假、5险1金、午餐补贴、一年一度的公司旅游等,并有机会到美国工作学习。
CustomerServiceRepresentative岗位职责 岗位职责 1.负责电话或线上渠道客户咨询及解答客户问题并完成相关记录工作 2.协助部门主管进行客户关系维护、跟踪与回访等工作 3.配合其他部门的工作开展,完成上级领导交办的任务 4.对客户需求和意见进行分析汇总并及时反馈给相关部门 5.完成... ...
Working Hours: 5 days per week with 42.5 work hours, during7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.on Monday to Sunday including public holidays. Responsibilities: Work in Customer Service call centre, manage calls from Customer Service hotline, Email, Live Chat and provide quality service to both local ...
Are Customer Service Representative jobs expected to grow in the near future? 2 people liked this • 1 comment LikeComment Share A year ago I believe every company can use a Customer Service Representative. 10 Leave your comment How is the gender diversity among people working as a Customer ...
Customer service representative jobs bring you high...chris
Senior Technical Customer Service Engineer 【上海-新天地】 面议 经验不限本科年终奖金领导好公司规模大带薪年假 汉高(中国)投资有限公司 日化,化工融资未公开10000人以上 王女士 Customer Service Representative客户服务代表 【北京】 12-15k·13薪 3-5年本科 ...
Take a look at this professionally designed example for a customer service representative and use it as a template for your next resume. Clean and Organized Layout: The resume's layout is thoughtfully structured, making it easy to navigate. Clear headings and well-organized sections enhance readabi...
Customer service representative jobs usually only require a high school diploma, although some companies may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field like communications or business.Much of a customer service representative’s training occurs on the job. This training may last ...