Customer Service Assistant(在职员工)-Glasgow, SCT-2013年10月3日 Every day is different. I have learned how to work as a team and independently as my job role invloves me working with a large group of people and being able to problem solve on my own. ...
“The main responsibility of a customer service representative is to be an advocate for the customer,” Jonathan Fernandez, former customer experience team lead for Catch, a personal payroll and benefits platform based in New York City, wrote in an email. “The job is to create a two-way ...
Easy job, bad management CSR - Customer Service Representative(离职员工)-Corbin, KY-2024年6月10日 The job itself is easy and pays well.But like with other jobs, if your not part of the clique then you'll be working twice as hard to cover for those who are a part of the clique w...
Customer Service Representative(离职员工)-Springdale, AR-2024年10月8日 Amazing co workers and management.The job will help in anyway that they can if you are needing time off for a family matter. They make sure that you get your breaks ...
佐帕斯诚聘Customer Service Representative 客服专员人才,更多佐帕斯Customer Service Representative 客服专员招聘信息,请登录超级简历WonderCV查看详细的佐帕斯对Customer Service Representative 客服专员人才的岗位职责要求、工作内容说明、薪资待遇介绍等招聘信息。
CustomerServiceRepresentative岗位职责 岗位职责 1.负责电话或线上渠道客户咨询及解答客户问题并完成相关记录工作 2.协助部门主管进行客户关系维护、跟踪与回访等工作 3.配合其他部门的工作开展,完成上级领导交办的任务 4.对客户需求和意见进行分析汇总并及时反馈给相关部门 5.完成... ...
岗位职责 1.接听来电或回复信息 2.准确记录并反馈客户的咨询问题,为客户提供专业的解决方案 3.保持与客户的良好沟通与联系,积极维护客情关系 4.按时完成领导交办的其他任务 登录后查看全部 客服代表CustomerServiceRepresentative岗位薪资分布 该数据分析取自各大互联网平台,仅供参考 ...
BOSS直聘为您提供Customer Service Representative 英文客服以及EBD2025年Customer Service Representative 英文客服岗位职责的信息,更多关于EBD对Customer Service Representative 英文客服的招聘要求、岗位职责、工作内容等的信息,以及EBDCustomer Service Representativ
杭州佳地科技有限公司是美国Gotobus在中国的分公司,近年来境内外业务发展势头迅猛,亟需各类优秀人士加入我们的团队,一起成长,一起壮大。公司将提供有竞争力的薪酬和良好的发展空间。 公司提供完善的福利体系:国家法定节假日、带薪年假、5险1金、午餐补贴、一年一度的公司旅游等,并有机会到美国工作学习。
Customer Service Representative 客服专员6000-9000/天 杭州 本科 0 发布于 1月3日 职位描述 POSITION RESPONSIBILITY 岗位职责: Inputting S.O in SAP correctly and confirm the delivery date to Customer timely, then bill to customer after shipped, support AR with sales & accounting. 在SAP系统内及时准确...