Types of customer survey questions We’ve given some examples of customer service survey questions with a particular aim – but how you ask the question can also be important.You might use:Likert scale questionsThis method of asking a query gives customers the option to show their agreement or...
In customer service interviews, this question checks whether you can stay motivated at work, even on hard days. Having a why will drive you to do a better job and work harder. To answer this question, pinpoint what drove you to apply for this customer service job, why you suit it, and...
Please take a few minutes to complete this eight question survey. Your response will help improve future services provided by the Board. Question Title * 1. What service did the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker & Marriage and Family Therapist Board provide? Licensing/Renewals Complaints/Enforcement...
Similar to the question about customer support, this question targets its effectiveness. Asking how responsive your team has been can help you see if it meets expectations. This is a fast way to improve customer service processes. Maybe you need to hire more customer support for faster responses...
Survey question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?”Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), and Detractors (score 0-6) are categorized, and the NPS is calculated as the percentage of Promoters minus...
Design short or long surveys, using a variety of question types. Custom options allow you to build a survey that asks questions in just the right way. Plus, you can easily customize your surveys to make it look and feel like your brand. Make the entire experience with your business consist...
For instance: How would you rate our service?Loved it Great Decent Disliked Hated itKeep your questions simple and to the point. When phrasing a question, you need to make sure the recipients don’t have a lot to unpack so that they can give more honest and genuine feedback. An easier...
it was for a customer to be able to complete the task that prompted their interaction. This survey question could look like, “How easy was it to deal with our company today?” This survey and measurement system can be useful for post-interaction surveys with customer service or support ...
The Objective: The questions you ask have to fulfill the purpose of the survey, whether it’s for a comprehensive customer satisfaction report, for product-specific insights, customer service insights, or anything else. Before we get into the customer satisfaction survey question examples, there are...
HubSpot sends a CES survey after they close each support ticket. A CES question will ask “How easy was it to solve your problem?”, and customers are typically given a 5-point likert scale with response options like ‘very difficult’, ‘somewhat difficult’, ‘about as easy as I expect...