Get answers to everything Optimum! Pay your bill, find free WiFi, check your email, set up your voicemail, program your DVR and more!
Please feel free to email us at and include your full address or account number for assistance. Thanks, ^Angie Amy Sanders 1 review US 3 days ago That's being nice That's being nice, Optimum is the worst internet service especially owning up to Thier mistakes so...
Get answers to everything Optimum! Pay your bill, find free WiFi, check your email, set up your voicemail, program your DVR and more!
but to hold because it does have a partner that offers internet service to my Zip code. That was a little disappointing, but I figured that the partner company would be about the same if Optimum was referring me straight to it. I was transferred to the SmartMove customer service line wher...
Customer Service 3.4/5 What do Optimum customers think? Optimum is a cable and fiber internet provider. Optimum has lower customer satisfaction scores than most of the top ISPs in our survey, but it offers high-speed fiber plans up to 5,000 Mbps and cable plans up to 1,000. Optimum is...
There are some pros to Optimum. There are many more cons. In an era where many of us are able to work from home Optimum Internet is failing their customers. I've had many service outages over the last six months of being with Optimum. I finally called for some reasoning. Part of the...
1. Services Provided:Subscriber's Optimum Mobile Service includes mobile voice and data services for voice calling, messaging and data, access to the “Optimum WiFi” network of WiFi access points and the WiFi networks of any third party partners who may provide access to such networks to Subscr...
Optimum is an internet provider — so they knew they couldn't provide a wifi-dependant chatbot. What if someone needs to ask how to set up their wifi? This SMS customer support bot uses NLP to understand and troubleshoot its users' issues. It's available 24/7, so that users can get ...
17. Optimum Optimum has an SMS chatbot for customers with support questions, giving users quick access to 24/7 support. As many people need internet, TV, or phone service to work and live their daily lives, being able to receive quick ...
17. Optimum Optimum has an SMS chatbot for customers with support questions, giving users quick access to 24/7 support. As many people need internet, TV, or phone service to work and live their daily lives, being able to receive quick help whenever an issue arises is c...