Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Housing Finance: A Comparative Study of Selected Commercial BanksC. H., SanthoshVenkatesh, S.IUP Journal of Bank Management
If we detect fraud, we may stop activity on your account or block access. Other organisations may use information we share with FPAs about fraud to refuse their services, finance or employment. For more information about the details we collect from and share with Cifas, and how they'll use...
A STUDY OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON HOUSING FINANCE WITH RESPECT TO SUNDARAM BNP PARIBAS HOME FINANCE LTDOwning a house was once considered as a status symbol but now it is almost become a necessity in life. For constructing a house, finance is considered to be the back bone compared to ...
Occasionally, prior experience in a specific industry—like tech, finance, or insurance—may give you a more well-rounded understanding of customer issues and make you better suited for a more specialized customer service job. In addition, fluency in another language may make you a more desirable...
F in a n c e , % o f s e r v ic e s a v a ila b le e le c tr o n ic a lly IS & T (1 ) % o f S e r v ic e in fo r m a tio n a v a ila b le o n W e b S ite N u m b e r o f p u b lic a c c e s s te r m in a ls 9 ....
Further, the administrations of HDFC and LIC Housing Finance Ltd are vastly improved and keep on innovating new technologies to reduce the hazels of clients by time. India has initiated so many housing reform that has taken many forms and manifestations characterized by the reduction in social ...
Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty with reference to Housing Finance Institutionscommitment to service, and those that are competent, trustworthy, communicating efficiently and handling conflicts well would have a better quality relationship with customers. There is no consensus on the most ...
The first major step in the direction of marketing was initiated by state bank of India, when in 1972, it re organized itself on the basis of major market segments, dividing the customers on the ...
If we detect fraud, we may stop activity on your account or block access. Other organisations may use information we share with FPAs about fraud to refuse their services, finance or employment. For more information about the details we collect from and share with Cifas, and how they'll use...