SAP 客户发票凭证和付款凭证Customer invoice and paid document 事务代码F-22 客户发票 事务代码F-28 收款记账 方法/步骤 1 在SAP主界面指令框中输入事务代码F-22并回车,进入“输入客户发票:抬头数据”界面,输入凭证日期、过账日期、凭证类型(特别注意下:凭证类型DR)、公司代码、过账期间、货币、摘要,记账码...
1 在主界面指令框内输入事务代码VF01,输完回车,进入“创建开票凭证”界面,情形一:不直接输入销售订单交货单号;2 点击“到期出具发票清单”按钮图标,进入“维护发票到期清单”界面;3 通过筛选“销售组织”、“售达方”等条件,限定开票清单的显示范围;4 点击“显示开票清单”按钮图标,进入“维护发票到期清单”...
Question:In SAP is there is any T.code which will display the list all Customers details (customer code, address, search term etc). Answer:Use T-code VI82: Checking General Customer Master Data Other Useful Customer Master Tcode TCODEDESCRIPTIONFUNCTIONAL AREA ...
SAP Managed Tags: Healthcare Hi, Please give me some inputs for the below scenario. Please help me where i can do this..I could not find the T.Codes.. 1. Customer Invoice 2. Customer Payment at Desk 3. Down payment 4. Down Payment Clearing I could able to find the t.code for...
In this blog post I will be focusing on SAP Revenue accounting and reporting (RAR) Event-Based Fulfillment Type – Customer Invoice of Performance Obligation. A
SAP中Sales invoice to customer销售开票流程 事务代码VF01 进入“创建开票凭证”界面 事务代码VF02 进入更改开票凭证界面 方法/步骤 1 在SAP主界面指令框中输入事务代码VF01并回车,进入“创建开票凭证”界面;2 点击“到期出具发票清单”按钮图标,进入如下界面,输入“出具发票日期从”的起止日期,销售组织等字段内容...
* input = w_filevc-akont* IMPORTING* output = ls_company-data-akont.* ls_company-data-zuawa = w_filevc-zuawa. "Sort Key* ls_company-data-reprf = w_filevc-cdi. "Check Double invoice "Payment Terms* ls_company-data-pernr = w_filevc-pernr....
Posted inCRM and CX Q&A Tax code not editable when invoicing outbound delivery invoice request Dear SAP support team,we would like to change a tax code on invoice created from outbound delivery invoice request. When click on "invoice" field from the invoicing request screen view we go to item...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Can someone help me on how to get the OTF data of the invoice? Is there any Function Module? I searched in SCn, but couldn't find one. Need to convert the OTF data of the Invoice to PDF and send it as an attachment via email. I know we...
BW Business Explorer (SAP BEx) Software Product Function View products (1) Customer Exit OLAP Variables require ABAP coding which often can be found in a single INCLUDE program ZXRSRU01 as part of legacy Enhancement RSR00001 (a.k.a. Customer Exit EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001). Usually the INCLUDE ...