Use theAddresstab to specify the location of the item for which you are providing service. To access the tab, from the SAP Business OneMain Menu, chooseServiceCustomer Equipment Cardand select theAddresstab. Note This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not...
How to display Customer/ Vendor PAN Number Table in SAP, Database Tables. TABLES: kna1, lfa1, adr6, t001w, ekko, knvv, TNLST, TVKOT, TVTWT, TSPAT. TABLES : SSCRFIELDS. *Internal Table declarations.
The address data of customer in XD03 is: Name1 - ADDR1_DATA Name2 - ADDR1_DATA Street - ADDR1_DATA-STREET Now ADDR1_DATA is not a transparent table. Can anyone pls tell the cusytomer master address data table as the above is a structure. For any clarification, pls feel free to c...
Following table describes the OData Framework behavior as of the November, 2018 release (1811).AnnotationDefinitionFramework Behaviour sap:creatable = true Property is relevant while creating a new record OData Framework passes the value in the payload to the Business Object. sap:creatable = false ...
SapEccSource SapHanaAuthenticationType SapHanaLinkedService SapHanaPartitionSettings SapHanaSource SapHanaTableDataset SapOdpLinkedService SapOdpResourceDataset SapOdpSource SapOpenHubLinkedService SapOpenHubSource SapOpenHubTableDataset SapTableLinkedService SapTablePartitionSettings SapTableResourceDataset SapTabl...
Solved: Hello, I have a scenario wherein an Order was created and its SH address was changed manually. Delivery is done for this Order. Delivery reflects the Changed SH
We have a Z program to create items in purchasing contracts. It normally works OK with all vendors/ contracts. For contracts of a particular vendor, it throws up an error "Address doesn't exist CUSTOMER_ADDRESS" message no. AM010. How to resolve this error? ADRC table is having only one...
DATA addressdata TYPE bapibus1006_address. " SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address DataDATA businesspartner TYPE bapibus1006_head-bpartner. " Business Partner NumberDATA it_telephondata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiadtel. " BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)...
The KNA1 table in SAP ERP or S/4HANA stores General Data in Customer Master data. There are total 246 fields in KNA1 table. The General Data in Customer
SAP customers hear from us all the time. But what they really find most valuable is having the opportunity to talk to one another. As a former customer I participated in SAP Customer Round Table events regularly before joining SAP. I couldn’t wait to hear what others were doing in the ...