Customer project planned in SAP Cloud Table of contents [+] Plan a customer project in SAP Cloud Planning customer projects in SAP Cloud Plan Customer Projects SAP FIORI application will allow to manage all related projects, as part of the SAP Implementation steps for the project. ...
The address data of customer in XD03 is: Name1 - ADDR1_DATA Name2 - ADDR1_DATA Street - ADDR1_DATA-STREET Now ADDR1_DATA is not a transparent table. Can anyone pls tell the cusytomer master address data table as the above is a structure. For any clarification, pls feel free to c...
Wednesday | Posted in CRM and CX Blogs by SAP Ron8 Associate 351 0 4 Emarsys Load Balancer IP address range Team, Could you please help us to find the Emarsys tenant load balancer IP address? we need to open firewall to connect to AWS redshift. Thanks---... Wednesday | Posted...
What puzzles me is the word CUSTOMER_ADDRESS. Since you are posting in MM and you even used the words "create items in purchasing contracts" I wonder why SAP is searching for a customer address. Is it eventually a contract for subcontracting ... are there any partner roles which are cust...
Email address 1 description. Will contain NA or CD if entered on email1. email2 email2 string Email address 2 of the customer emailDesc2 emailDesc2 string Email address 2 description email3 email3 string Email address 3 of the customer emailDesc3 emailDesc3 string Email address 3 descr...
In Customer Master, we can load the data in, as well as extract from, SAP, using DEBMAS idoc. Please find attached the document, to understand the meaning of each and every field in IDOC, its system requirement (mandatory/non Mandatory), field name, description, segment name and table na...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Customer Relationship Management, SD (Sales and Distribution) Dear gurus, can anyone mail me a good documentation on customer service module. i have the access to oss note in my company. mail me the oss notes number for customer service. if u have any other material...
This address is used, for example, for tax reports to the tax authorities in Italy. AlternativePayeePartyInternalID "Account number of an alternative payer / Account number of the entity which can serve as a payer for the Customer.Account number of the customer for ...
DATA addressdata TYPE bapibus1006_address. " SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address DataDATA businesspartner TYPE bapibus1006_head-bpartner. " Business Partner NumberDATA it_telephondata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiadtel. " BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)...
KnownSapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior KnownSapHanaAuthenticationType KnownSapHanaPartitionOption KnownSapTablePartitionOption KnownScriptActivityLogDestination KnownScriptActivityParameterDirection KnownScriptActivityParameterType KnownScriptType KnownSelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus KnownServiceNowAuthenticationType...