How Salesforce’s Einstein 1 Platform Transforms Customer Experiences with CRM, AI, Data, and Trust 10 min read Artificial Intelligence Salesforce Launches Next Generation of Einstein, Bringing a Conversational AI Assistant to Every CRM Application and Customer Experience ...
Salesforce's big idea is one that you've heard of before from other enterprise software vendors--a 360 degree view of the customer--with different lens. The big question will come down to executing Salesforce's effort, dubbed Customer 360. At Dreamforce, Salesforce's developer and ...
Communities gives you a whole new way to leverage the power of your CRM, enabling customers, partners, and employees to access your Salesforce data and business processes — in an engaging, branded experience. See more on the Communities pages ...
It’s all about serving, managing, and interacting with customers and constituents holistically by using all of the tools and technologies available to the cloud-based Salesforce Platform. With Public Sector Solutions, you get a 360-degree view of your constituents that includ...
Salesforce Customer 360 是一个集成的 CRM 平台,通过连接您的部门和客户数据来解决这一挑战。每个人都可以获得客户的单一共享视图。把它想象成一个关于客户的信息圈,以客户为中心。01在一个平台上连接您的团队 使用 Salesforce Customer 360,客户旅程中的每一步的数据都被收集在一个地方。这种共享视图使团队能够...
在第十届年度教育峰会上,Salesforce宣布扩大产品范围,帮助高等教育机构提供数字优先、灵活的学习选择;实时和异步协作;为学生、教师和工作人员提供个性化体验。 “教育机构认识到拥有强大的数字基础,对支持当今学生和校友所需的体验至关重要。 Customer 360 for Education 使各种规模的学院和大学都能建立自己的Student 360...
so your teams can get back to doing what they do best — helping customers. Unify your help desk with access to a 360-degree view of customer data across service, sales, and marketing. Provide your agents with a complete view of the customer so they can provide faster and more personalize...
Salesforce 的 NFT Cloud 试点项目让品牌能够以可持续和可信的方式将客户体验扩展到 Web3 环境。他们可以直接在 Salesforce Customer 360 平台上铸造、管理和销售不可替代的代币 (NFT),并安全地连接客户数据,从而获得客户物理和数字世界的 360 度视图。 客户服务商务 服务部门可以通过新功能转变为收入驱动因素,使客...
2022年6月8日,CRM 的全球领导者 Salesforce推出了新的Customer 360创新,将营销、商务和服务数据连接到一个平台上,以便公司可以连接、自动化和个性化每一次互动,并大规模建立信任关系。 我们处于一个新的世界,公司面临着越来越大的压力,要求以更少的资源做更多的事情,并在充满挑战的劳动力市场中航行,同时努力满足消...
Customer 360 for Education使各种规模的学院和大学都能建立自己的Student 360 ,并快速建立新的计划,例如高管教育和灵活的学习计划。" ——Salesforce教育云总经理 Susan Morrow 每个教育机构都可以使用新的 Customer 360 for Education 功能创建他们的 Student 360 ...