Cultural communities in the Philippines today live within a social system with formalized constitutional and legal order, yet many of their cultural, social, and political practices remain to be regulated by customary laws. Customary law refers to a body of unwritten rules, customs, and practices ...
enforcement of labor lawsThe use of cyanide to stun and capture live food fish for export first appeared in the Philippines during the mid-1970s. Today, this technology has spread throughout Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific region, causing widespread damage to coral reef ecosystems. This ...
(2005). Inheritance, laws and practices affecting Kenyan women. In M. Mwagiru (Ed.), African regional security in the age of globalisation. Nairobi: Heinrich Böll Foundation. Google Scholar Marquardt, M., Unruh, J., & Heron, L. (2002). Land policy and administration: Assessment of ...
(2005). Inheritance, laws and practices affecting Kenyan women. In M. Mwagiru (Ed.), African regional security in the age of globalisation. Nairobi: Heinrich Böll Foundation. Google Scholar Marquardt, M., Unruh, J., & Heron, L. (2002). Land policy and administration: Assessment of ...
Representation of future generations in courts is not a new concept, nor is it unique to the Philippines. By examining national laws, treaties and conventions and court decisions by both domestic and international courts, this article aims to show how intergenerational equity has been widely ...