Discusses international law and international human rights litigation in the United States. Treatment of The Paquete Habana of human rights cases with international law elements; Context of the customary international law; List of cases that successfully used customary international law in courts; ...
North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Federal Republic of Germany v Denmark; FRG v The Netherlands) ICJ Rep 1969, para 74. 14. See Crawford (2012). 15. See the “Final Report of the Committee on Formation Formation of Customary (General) International Law, 2000, International law Association, ...
PAUST, J., "Custom ary Interna tional Law: It s Natures, Sources and Status as Law of the United States, 12 MICH. J. INT' L L.59, (1990), revised in INTERNATIONAL LAW AS OF THE UNITED STATES 1 (1996) en "International Crim inal Law, Cases and Materials", Carolina Academic Press...
Customary international lawDomestic courtsMethodologyTreatiesDoctrineBased on analysis of a large number of recent domestic court cases on matters of customary international law (2000–2014), this article demonstrates that, rather similar to the International Court of......
cultural heritage, in conformitywithcustomary internationallawand the principles and objectives of international agreements [...] unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 在卷入国际或非国际性武装冲突,包括占领的情况下,有关各国应采取一切必要的措 施,使自己的行为符合保护文化遗产的要求,尤其是符合习惯国际法以及...
customary国际法cilwtolawicj 摘要 習慣國際法(customaryinternationallaw)為國際法之法源,長久以來在國際法 院的分析、解釋與適用以及學者之論述下,累積相當多的案件並且發展出一套完 整的理論體系。而WTO為今日相當重要的國際經濟組織,學者與WTO實踐皆 認為WTO法為國際法的一部份。因此,學者歸納出WTO法源除...
Customary Law (redirected fromCustomary Laws) Encyclopedia A practice in a group or society that has never been codified but has been so common for so long that it is considered legally enforceable. Englishcommon lawis largely derived from customary law. Likewise, most international law is customar...
cases in which the international courts clearly held that individuals not members to armed forces can be held responsible for war crimes (eg.Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Prosecutor v. Musema, and some Post WW II cases) and the determinative factor is not their status but whether there exists a ...
将“customary rule of international law"翻译成中文 国际法习惯规则, 国际法惯例, 国际法的习惯规则是“customary rule of international law"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:In all cases, a customary rule of international law did not emerge unless both those elements were firmly established. ↔ 在...
notice of customary international law. Therefore, compared to a domestic court, an international law court is also more likely to address sources doctrine expressly - such as whether proof of opinio juris is always required (Judge Tanaka in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases [1969] I.C...