Custom Turkey Calls by SS Custom Calls. If you're looking for true custom turkey calls, check us out. Box Calls · Pot Calls · Scratch Boxes · Long Boxes, etc
The article presents information on custom turkey callers. It states that unlike a lot of wingbone makers, Jim Young uses bones from wild, not domestic, turkeys in his yelpers. This produces a full, realistic sound that is hard to achieve with calls from the l...
Your patience is appreciated Our prices are very simple and fairly affordable! All production and artwork is prepaid Payments: Business to Business check is acceptable - sorry no personal checks Commercial Invoices can be submitted through PayPal Submit your request for a quote We will do our best...
The article presents information on custom turkey callers. It states that unlike a lot of wingbone makers, Jim Young uses bones from wild, not domestic, turkeys in his yelpers. This produces a full, realistic sound that is hard to achieve with calls from the less dense bones of domestic ...