新增CustomTune智能耳内音场调校技术,可根据耳道结构实时优化耳内声场,结合ActiveSensse噪音动态感应技术,使通透模式更加自然;结合三频动态音质均衡,使音乐体验无论音量高低始终保持均衡在线。 其他方面,BOSE QuietComfort消噪耳塞II搭载了8个麦克风单元精准拾音,两个降噪通话麦克风,带来更加清晰自然的语音通话效果;交互方面,...
配置功能方面,Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II也是软硬件两手抓,将高通S5音频SoC、八麦克风以及各类传感器等硬件配置,与CustomTune智能耳内音场调校技术、ActiveSense噪音动态感应技术等软件算法融为一体,为每个人量身打造专属的强大消噪效果与沉浸饱满音质,达成美妙愉悦的聆听体验。 综合来看,Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II各方...
Shopping is simple! Enter your vehicle’s make, model, and year, and we’ll match you with the perfect tuner and custom tune options for your needs—whether it’s towing, off-road, or daily driving. STEP 2 Order and Provide Your Details ...
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DiabLew Tune - Custom Tuning for GM Vehicles - Diablosport inTune, Diablosport Trinity, diablo inTune 2030, diablo inTune 8245, 06MonteSS custom tuning, diablo custom GM tuning
Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II搭载全新的CustomTune智能耳内音场调校技术,能够根据耳朵形状进行独特调音,同时自动调节声音失真,实现个性化调音,让音乐品质始终如一。 这一套技术的工作原理非常巧妙:首先,耳机开启后会自动播放开机音效,就像普通的提示音一样,不会对用户造成打扰,但这一音效实际上用于解析耳道内部的独特构造...
功能配置方面,Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II搭载高通S5音频SoC,采用蓝牙5.3技术,支持AAC高清音频;配备全新的CustomTune智能耳内音场调校技术,为音质与消噪体验带来升级;同时搭配ActiveSense噪音动态感应技术,共同提升通透模式表现。 首代用户翘首企盼的QC Earbuds II实际表现究竟如何?接下来是我爱音频网带来的QC Earbuds II...
Azure Custom Vision Service is a Microsoft Cognitive Services product for tagging images using your custom computer vision model.This connector is available in the following products and regions:展开表 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China...