There are several modern libraries for Tkinter, but CustomTkinter is one of the most complete and up to date…and in my opinion, one of the easiest to use!If you don’t have any experience with Tkinter, that’s fine…I’ll walk you through everything you need in this course. Likewise...
customtkinter.CTk() app.geometry("400x780") app.title("CustomTkinter") print(type(app), isinstance(app, tkinterDnD.Tk)) def button_callback(): print("Button click", combobox_1.get()) def slider_callback(value): progressbar_1.set(value) frame_1 = customtkinter.CTk...
Comprehensive Coverage: Access snippets for a wide range of CustomTkinter components, including buttons, checkboxes, combo boxes, entry fields, frames, labels, option menus, progress bars, radio buttons, scrollable frames, segmented buttons, sliders, switches, tab views, textboxes, scrollbars, window...
- progress() function to display a progress bar - Maybe other types of dialog: open, save, file/folder picker, etc. """__version__ ='1.0.4'importsys RUNNING_PYTHON_2 = sys.version_info[0] ==2ifRUNNING_PYTHON_2:importTkinterastkimportttkelse:importtkinterastk ...
A simple tool with GUI that downloads YouTube videos Has a progress bar! Can (very basically) handle some errors. Made with Python and CustomTkinter. Based on a video from Dev Ed's YouTube channel. Releases No releases published Packages No packages published...
tkinter Progress Bar instead of homegrown. 2.6.0 July 27, 2018 - auto_size_button setting. License changed to LGPL 3+ 2.7.0 July 30, 2018 - realtime buttons, window_location default setting 2.8.0 Aug 9, 2018 - New None default option for Checkbox element, text color option for all ...
CTkProgressBar(master=frame, corner_radius=20, width=240, progress_color='#54a2de', indeterminate_speed=0.8) loadbar1.pack(pady=0, padx=0) loadbar1.configure(mode="indeterminnate") loadbar1.start() Github = customtkinter.CTkImage("master/sources/github.png"), ...
Type of Issue (Enhancement, Error, Bug, Question) bug Operating System win11 PySimpleGUI Port (tkinter, Qt, Wx, Web) tkinter Versions Python version: 3.11.0 (main, Oct 24 2022, 18:26:48) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] port: tkinter tkinter ...