Tailwind CSS - Add Custom Styles - In Tailwind CSS, adding custom styles means adding your own unique styles to the framework.
javascripteditorwysiwygcustom-elementstext-editorrich-text-editorwysiwyg-editor UpdatedDec 20, 2024 JavaScript Tencent/omi Star13.1k Web Components Framework - Web组件框架 javascriptcsshtmlcomponentsadmintypescriptwebdashboardwebcomponentsjsxweb-componentscustom-elementssignaltsxshadow-domomitailwindtailwindcssreactiv...
In these situations, you can “hint” the underlying type to Tailwind by adding aCSS data typebefore the value: <!-- Will generate a font-size utility -->...<!-- Will generate a color utility -->... When you need to add truly custom CSS rules to a Tailwind project, the easiest...
Keywords none Install npm i@trackunit/css-tailwind-custom-properties-plugin Repository github.com/Trackunit/manager Version 1.0.22 License SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt Unpacked Size 8.31 kB Last publish 12 hours ago Tryon RunKit Reportmalware
When using arbitrary values, Tailwind can generally handle this ambiguity automatically based on the value you pass in: HTML <!-- Will generate a font-size utility -->...<!-- Will generate a color utility -->... Sometimes it really is ambiguous though, for example when using CSS variabl...
Tailwind provides tools forextracting component classesfrom repeated utility patterns, making it easy to update multiple instances of a component from one place: <!-- Using utilities: -->Button<!-- Extracting component classes: -->Button.btn{@applyfont-bold py-2 px-4 rounded;}.btn-blue{@appl...
Text ) foreach ($parameter in $TemplateObject.parameters.psobject.properties) { # If the parameter name starts with tailwind, then the parameter is correctly named if ($parameter.Name -notmatch 'tailwind*') { Write-Error "Parameter '$($parameter.Name)' must start with prefix 'tailwind'" -...
#Class NameClass Description 1.min-h-screen-75min-height: 75vh; 2.text-55font-size: 55rem; 3.opacity-80opacity: .8; 4.z-2z-index: 2; 5.z-3z-index: 3; 6.-right-100right: -100%; 7.-top-225-pxtop: -225px; 8.-top-160-pxtop: -160px; ...
btn { @apply px-5 py-2 rounded-3xl bg-blue my-5 hover:bg-transparent border border-transparent hover:border hover:text-blue hover:border-blue } .color-container { @apply flex items-center justify-center px-4 py-4 rounded-full bg-gray-300 backdrop-blur } .size-btn-container { @apply...
Tailwind CSS custom radio button snippet for your project 📌📌. this snippet is created using HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, Javascript