Create a Resource Pack Setting up a Sound Directory Finding the Right Sound Show 3 more Sounds are a great way to add a sense of immersion to your content. Whether it's blocks, animals, or the ever-important music disc, the sounds you hear while playing Minecraft pull you into the exper...
After importing, if you wish to change the audio, make sure to unload the pack from your Minecraft World, close the game and go to the Resource Pack Folder -> Custom Disc ->sounds/music/game/recordsand change your Audio there. Future documentation will explain how to create multiple version...
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Wellthis mod let you create your own machines using datapacks and add them in the game. You can customise everything about your custom machine, from theappearance (model, textures, sounds, lightning, custom gui)to thefunctionality (how many inputs and outputs, their type and capacity)and of...
Custom Blocks - Behavior Pack and Resource pack that accompanies the custom block tutorials, starting with Custom Blocks Part 1: The Simplest Block Features Samples - A sample pack that can be used as a tutorial on how feature and feature rules work. Custom Items Custom Sounds Minecraft Live ...
Could you please send me a discord message? (.goodbird) so that I could send you and example resourcepack for the sounds? View user profile Send message 6963516 Goodbird View user profile Send message February 26, 2025 6977429 In reply toaffectionate_aryabhata6765895: ...
首先:到百科里去下的对应的版本[自定义主菜单 (Custom Main Menu)]推荐搭配Resource Loader使用。 ①主页:自定义主菜单是一个MOD,允许你使用json文件编辑minecraft主菜单。它允许你添加或删除元素,如按钮和标签,也增加了一些新的东西,你可以添加到你的菜单,如幻灯片或整个自定义gui。然而,如果你只是想做一些简单的...
Top 5 Minecraft Roller Coaster Creations Read More Advertisements Advertisements Want a Custom Pack? We usually just compile texture packs and provide free downloads for our fans however on some special occasions and events we create custom packs. Aside from that we also connect with our pack ...
Custom Guns is a resource pack that’s been designed for players who like firearms and aren’t necessarily happy with the batch of weapons that vanilla Minecraft comes with. As the name suggest, this pack’s been designed to implement new guns into the game and, all things considered, these...