The potion was too weak to purge, but strong enough to weaken us; so that it does not work, but we keep it still in our bodies, and reap nothing from the operation but intestine gripes and dolors. So it is, nevertheless, that Fortune, still reserving her authority in defiance of ...
customPotionMeta.addCustomEffect(newPotionEffect(potionEffectType,duration,amplifier), true); } this.finalStack.setItemMeta(customPotionMeta); } 代码示例来源:origin: io.github.bedwarsrel/BedwarsRel-Common @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") privatevoidparsePotionEffects(){ PotionMetacustomPotionMeta=(PotionMet...
Command to Obtain:/give @s minecraft:potion{CustomModelData:1,Potion:"minecraft:swiftness"} or any other potion effect Coffee (Large) Base Item: Potion (any) Custom Data Slot: 2 Command to Obtain:/give @s minecraft:potion{CustomModelData:2,Potion:"minecraft:long_swiftness"} or any other p...
ItemStack potion = potionInv.getStackInSlot(0);if(potion ==null)return;booleanadd = packet.readBoolean();inteffectID = packet.readUByte(); NBTTagList effects = potion.getTagCompound().getTagList("CustomPotionEffects",10); NBTTagList newEffects =newNBTTagList();for(inti =0; i < effects.ta...
// Some other effects: //player.lifeRegen++; //player.meleeCrit += 2; //player.meleeDamage += 0.051f; //player.meleeSpeed += 0.051f; //player.statDefense += 3; //player.moveSpeed += 0.05f; // player.lifeRegen++; // player.GetCritChance(DamageClass.Melee) += 2; // player....
They also have a healing potion in their chest slot with dropchance 0.6, which can't be seen. All the other dropchances are 0. Two potion effects have been applied: weakness and invisibility. I've seen them drop the healing potions, as intended, but the enchanted torch as well. ...