中间的控制台是要控制这个NPC所有的脚本的地方,其中:ECMAScripot是编程语言(这个模组支持很多编程语言,如Ruby,Php等,若想使用ECMAScript编写,就需要将Java存放目录下的lib/ext/里的nashron.jar copy到mods文件夹里才行,其他语言请见这里:http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/customnpcs/scripting)网站就不用说了,...
【求教】custom..我在做群峦传说的rpg地图, 遇到一个问题不知道有没有懂java的可以解决一下。 就是用customnpcs时,npc与门互动时没法识别群峦里的门。 门的id是324,反编译了npc mod里ai文件
This is not an official version of CustomNPC. ❗ Notice I am not the original creator of CustomNPC. The original creator is @Noppes. I have been permitted to update and develop my own branch version for 1.7.10. The original mod that is updated to the latest versions of Minecraft can ...
(Archive Only: Merged into Forge proper) The Forge Mod Loader - an opensource replacement mod loader for minecraft - FML/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/client/CustomModLoadingErrorDisplayException.java at master · MinecraftForge/FML
getName().equals("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.network.internal.FMLProxyPacket")) event.cancelEvent(); if(blockPayloadPackets && packet instanceof C17PacketCustomPayload) { final C17PacketCustomPayload customPayload = (C17PacketCustomPayload) packet; if(!customPayload.getChannelName().startsWith...
分享28赞 逃离塔科夫吧 坠落的战列舰 萌新想找个人一起开黑 普通版 工厂 custom地图基本熟悉了 分享20赞 minecraft吧 马里奥X7 【教程】Custom NPCs for 1.7.10 脚本编辑教程Hi!大家好,我是马里奥X7君 最近发现大家在做NPC挑战地图时都很喜欢玩自定义NPCs这个mod。 但是,一些地图作者却不知道1.7版本的自定义NPCs...
I am not the original creator of CustomNPC. The original creator is @Noppes. I have been permitted to update and develop my own branch version for 1.7.10. The original mod that is updated to the latest versions of Minecraft can be found on these links:CurseForge,kodevelopment ...
Free Minecraft logo... A Minecraft: Java Edition (MC) Ware in the Other/Misc category, submitted by BabanDlh
CustomNPC+ is an expansion from the original CustomNPCs to backport features from newer versions while also adding features of its own.
Hello, after rigorously trying to fix the issue and comparing self-built 1.17 and 1.18 server and plugin jars, it seems to strongly indicate that importing jar libraries into Jython does not seem to work. I have tried multiple libaries; ...