.gitmodules .prettierrc LICENSE README.md package-lock.json package.json README License stream-json stream-jsonis a micro-library of node.js stream components with minimal dependencies for creating custom data processors oriented on processing huge JSON files while requiring a minimal memory footprin...
// Aliases"_moduleAliases":{"@root":".",// Application's root"@deep":"src/some/very/deep/directory/or/file","@my_module":"lib/some-file.js","something":"src/foo",// Or without @. Actually, it could be any string}// Custom module directories, just like `node_modules` but wit...
Node.jsJavaScript Copy var telemetry = applicationInsights.defaultClient; TelemetryClient is thread safe.For ASP.NET and Java projects, incoming HTTP requests are automatically captured. You might want to create more instances of TelemetryClient for other modules of your app. For example, you ...
Node.jsJavaScript Copy var telemetry = applicationInsights.defaultClient; TelemetryClient is thread safe.For ASP.NET and Java projects, incoming HTTP requests are automatically captured. You might want to create more instances of TelemetryClient for other modules of your app. For example, you ...
Developers can abstract functional modules within a page into custom components that can be reused in different pagesYou can also split complex pages into multiple, low-coupling modules, which helps with code maintenance. Custom components are very similar to the base components when used....
As shown in this screenshot, the command creates a subfolder namedconverterccs, which contains yourmain.jsandpackage.jsonfiles, along with the installed "dev" dependencies innode_modules. It also creates acomponentsfolder that containsCurrencyConverter.js, which is the file that you'll modify. ...
The additionalbeforeCreateVueInstanceis only required if your Vue component has bundled stylings and you are usingcss-moduleswith Webpack to bundle (which is most use cases). In addition, if you are usingvue-loaderandvue-style-loaderplugins with Webpack, you will need to pass theshadowMode: ...
Webpack configuration can be also written in TypeScript. In this case, it is the application'stsConfigfile which will be used bytsnodeforcustomWebpackConfig.tsexecution. Given the following example: // extra-webpack.config.tsimport{Configuration}from'webpack';exportdefault{output:{library:'shop...
{test:/\.js$/,exclude:/node_modules/,use: {loader:"babel-loader"} }, {test:/\.css$/,use: [ {loader:MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader},"css-loader","postcss-loader"] } ] } } I am also using postcss-cssnext. In mypostcss.config.jsfile in my root folder I am defin...
Vue exposes an internal method on it's prototype called _v that creates a plain text node. You can return the result of calling this method from a render function to render a plain text string: render(h){ return this._v("my string value"); } Exposing it in this way, prefixed wit...