For this tutorial we have two examples. The first example is controlling a simple LED and the second one is controlling a Stepper Motor using smartphone. In myprevious tutorialwe already learned how to make the Bluetooth communication between the Arduino Board and the Smartphone ...
This networking Java tutorial describes networking capabilities of the Java platform, working with URLs, sockets, datagrams, and cookies
Swift tutorial: Building a blog from scratch with ButterCMS and Swift To kick off this tutorial, we need to set up ButterCMS usingpagesandpage typesto create the underlying structure of our blog website, after which we can start creating our content. We can start integrating these into our ...
Tutorial: Custom component development for backend integration Tutorial: Custom component debugging Embedded Container Limits for Custom Component Services Bots Node SDK Documentation: MessageFactory sample code for various UI responses Entity Event Handlers An entity event handler is a type of custom compon...
Introducing Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Technical Questions Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk FAQ .NET Compact Framework and the Smart Device Programming Features of VS.NET .NET Compact Framework and the Smart Device Programming Features of VS.NET .NET Compact Framework and the Smart Device Programming...
Build and run your app Next steps In this quickstart, you will use the Speech SDK to create a custom voice assistant application that connects to a bot that you have already authored and configured. If you need to create a bot, see the related tutorial for a more comprehensive guide.Aft...
Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a software development methodology that gives web applications the power of native mobile apps when accessed through a mobile browser. Every app you build on Zoho Creator is now a PWA and can be added to the home screen of the mobile device. ...
{ //Admob AppID MobileAds.initialize(activity.get(), "[REPLACE WITH ADMOB APP ID]"); //banner FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout)activity.get().findViewById(; RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout( activity.get() ); frameLayout.addView( layout );...
programming #flutter-app-development #dart #mobile-app-development #flutter-for-mobile-app #programming #tutorial #flutter #software-development #web-monetization THIS ARTICLE WAS FEATURED IN... Permanent on Arweave Terminal Lite Unni Hashnode Learnrepo Mentioned in this story companies Google Super pr...
* @tutorial * @property {String} backgroundColor: background color. * @property {String} color: text color. * @property {Number} day * @property {Number} hour * @property {Number} minute * @property {Number} second * @property {Number} time...