权限: "custommobs.cmob.cmd" 不能执行的命令: /stop, /reload, /op, /pex 例子:/cmob cmd TestMob /tell@PlayerHello (当玩家杀死这个怪物后, 后台会发送命令command:"/tell HellFirePvP Hello") [@player会自动替换成杀死该怪物的玩家的名字] /cmob tool 插件将会发送一个cmob查询工具到你的背包 权限...
# # m h dom mon dow command 0 */3 * * * bash /home/futurever/gitlab/gitlab-auto-delete.sh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 额外安装 htop nmap 1. 定时任务及开机启动配置 /sbin/service crond start /sbin/service crond stop /sbin/service crond restart /sbin/service crond reload 以上...
Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press theEnterkey to run the command. Once the cheat has been entered, the cow will spawn and appear in your world: You will see the message "Summone...
Loot Tables Configuration Signs Mob Signs SubSchematics NPC Signs Command Signs Weighted Probability Updating The Plugin Addons Custom Biomes Developer API Custom Structure Addons Bottom Fill Implementations Custom Structure Signs Custom Loot Tables or Loot Items Clone this wiki locallyFooter...
l4d2_ai_minigun - Based off Silver's Survivor Bot Holdout plugin, allows you to spawn survivor bots but with no limit. L4D2Tools - A collection of utilities, mostly just used with l4d_survivor_identity_fix and the /model command l4d2_swarm - Uses vscript RushVictim to make all zombies ...
代码示例来源:origin: EngineHub/CommandHelper @Override public String getCustomName() { return e.getCustomName(); } 代码示例来源:origin: com.github.shynixn.ball/ball-bukkit-core /** * Checks if an ball armorstand is inside of the chunk and spawns a ball at the location- * * @param ...
HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATIONspawnAutoRenewalThreadForUserCreds 步骤5可以看出当我们存在凭证后并不需要主动做周期性地凭证更新。 hadoop-kerberos 通过配置生成 LoginContext 调用LoginContext.login 方法完成登陆, 使用keytab完成登陆 loginUserFromKeytab 没有对凭证做周期的更新, 那怎么保证凭证不会过期呢?
To summon these entities you can use the summon command or use spawn eggs. ex: "/summon npc:npc_humans" Example NPC skins: Animal skins: name: npc:npc_animals Monster skins: name: npc:npc_monsters Villager skins: name: npc:npc_villagers ...
{ + "path-key": "^3.1.0", + "shebang-command": "^2.0.0", + "which": "^2.0.1" + }, + "engines": { + "node": ">= 8" + } + }, + "node_modules/cssesc": { + "version": "3.0.0", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cssesc/-/cssesc-3.0.0.tgz", +...
/cmob limit Testmob 1 (该怪物只能在服务器存在一个) [无论怪物在哪个世界,全服务器只能存在一个] /cmob limit Testmob -1 (该怪物在服务器能存在无限个~) /cmob spawn <名字> 召唤该怪物,位置为你指着的地方 权限: "custommobs.cmob.spawn" ...