然后选择1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.789.jar→右击→用压缩文件打开assets/minecraft 后面的就变了~ 进入textures/gui/title/background 6张图片,名字要和原来的一样,要.png的格式
2.主界面背景更改~ .minecraft/versions/1.6.2(你的游戏版本,不一定为1.6.2,目测有1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.789这样的) 然后选择1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.789.jar→右击→用压缩文件打开assets/minecraft 后面的就变了~ 进入textures/gui/title/background 6张图片,名字要和原来的一样,要.png的格式...
If you are using InvMove, go in modmenu search invmove and go in config, you will se for each mod you can turn on/off background, find customnpc and everything switch to "Show background". ✌️ eddyam2689 View user profile
"alignment" : "top_center", "texts" : "file:minecraft:texts/splashes.txt" }, "panorama": { "images" : "minecraft:textures/gui/title/background/panorama_%c.png", "animate" : true, "animationSpeed" : 1, "blur" : true, "gradient" : true } } }...
NekoUI: Java Edition Introduces Custom User Interface (CUI), Blue Archive Background in Minecraft: Java Edition cyrateam.xyz/project/nekoui/download Topics config java minecraft gradle fabric forge screen minecraft-mod menu mods bluearchive minecraft-menu nekoui Resources Readme License View li...
ReMinecraftPE This project aims to create a custom Minecraft experience based on Minecraft: Pocket Edition as of 2011. It's based on Minecraft PE v0.1.3.Its goals are:To add Quality-of-Life features to Minecraft: Pocket Edition, such as a brighter color gamut, an in-game options menu, ...
Step 5:Next switch toConfigurationtab to change various default settings for network, users and groups, firewall, time zone, desktop background, end user license agreement (yes, you can add your own license agreement!), and many other settings. Once done, move to Files tab. ...
Minecraft girl 1025 , 09/01/2024 I’m loving it so far So far I’m absolutely loving it and I love being able to create cool things for my kpop groups comebacks I only have a few small problems with it, 1. When trying to rotate certain gifs they will sometimes glitch and turn ...
Minecraft girl 1025 , 09/01/2024 I’m loving it so far So far I’m absolutely loving it and I love being able to create cool things for my kpop groups comebacks I only have a few small problems with it, 1. When trying to rotate certain gifs they will sometimes glitch and turn ...