WPFCustomMessageBox is a WPF clone of the native Windows/.NET MessageBox with extra features like custom button text.I created this library because I wanted to use verbs for my MessageBox buttons to help users better understand the functionality of the buttons - which isn't possible in the sta...
C# WPF DataTrigger for Background if Value is Null c# wpf firing dispatcherTimer on separate thread(should update UI) C# wpf Image load from any folder C# WPF Label content change C# WPF label font is not changing C# WPF multithreading cannot return the actual value from Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ...
{ MessageBox.Show("Cannot install the application: " + "This program requires Windows XP or higher. " + "Error: " + platformEx.Message); return; } catch (ArgumentException argumentEx) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot install the application: " + "The deployment manifest URL supplied...
Unified Service Desk is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)-based application where all the operations in Unified Service Desk are executed on the mainWPF Dispatcherthread. TheWPF Dispatcherclass provides services for managing the queue of work items for a thread. ...
Implementing custom WPF commands is almost as easy as consuming the built-in commands, and it allows you to use commands for every purpose in your application. This makes it very easy to re-use actions in several places, as shown in the example of this chapter. ...
In the preceding code sample, the Action is more complex than the simple Action shown previously, but the common characteristics that make something an Action still exist. ShowMessageBoxAction extends from TriggerAction, and overrides the Invoke method. ...
(MessageBox.Show("Exception occurred in hosted control - "+this.ApplicationName +".Do you wish to close it ?","Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SafeDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {this.desktopAccess.CloseDynamicApplication(this...
if ((bool)msgbox.ShowDialog()) { MessageBox.Show("Yes, you're awesome!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You're kidding, of course you're awesome!"); } } Code is free as in beer, do with it whatever you want... 0 comments on commit 61fe01a Please sign in to comment. Footer...
(m_Cancelled) { PublishingHost.ShowMessageBox("Upload Cancelled", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { string strIE = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) strIE += "\n: " + ex.InnerException.Message; throw new ...