Enhanced Gameplay:A variety of plugin items designed to enrich your server with unique features and customizability. Enchantment Slots Manage Enchantments:Limit the number of enchantments per item and increase slot availability using the "Slot Increaser." ...
Vanilla-like Experience: The plugin aims to replicate the familiar mechanics of vanilla Minecraft's music discs, ensuring a intuitive player experience. Customizable messages and various options: Configure almost entire plugin Commands: The main command is /customdiscs or /cd add <sound> <custom...
models/item/infinity_hoe.jsonat net.minecraft.client.resources.FallbackResourceManager.getResource(FallbackResourceManager.java:69) ~[cei.class:?]at net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager.getResource(Simple 分享102 minecraft联机吧 容易的会死 [Minecraft服务器]█四氧化氯服务器|非1.7....
ModJEIPlugin import io.github.realyusufismail.temporalsmith.recipe.infusion.IngotFusionTollEnhancerRecipe import mezz.jei.api.constants.VanillaTypes import mezz.jei.api.gui.builder.IRecipeLayoutBuilder @@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack class IngotFusionTollEnhancerJEIRecip...
The pros of having custom weapons in Minecraft are being able to show off to others and build your own unique armory. For example, while having specific mods or plugins installed, the name of your item appears in-chat with all its enchantments. This only happens after hovering over it, but...
Custom spray item / sound effect! 👋复制别人的喷漆,或者禁止别人喷漆! 👋Copy others spray or prevent others from copying yours! ☕无需前置API,发包纯手搓 ☕No API required ,making NMS sh-t by myself 🔗玩家上传图片链接 >> 压缩存储图片 >> 喷漆后自动消失 🔗Player ...
at net.minecraft.util.ThreadingDetector.a(ThreadingDetector.java:87) at java.base/java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline331.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:197) at java.base/java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline221.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:179) at java.base/java.util.SpliteratorsArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining...
第一步,在服务端中新建GermPlugin/gui/player_inventory.yml,并填入对应基础配置 player_inventory:#这里是自定义背包配置文件的名字 不可修改 游戏内默认E键即可打开#options标识符表示设置这个GUI的参数(该标识符可全部删除)options:#设置起始坐标轴,你可以根据你的习惯来设置这个界面的原点。(如果删除此行,默认为MC...
xp.value += loopItem.value; loopItem.die(); } } } } }// Spigot endif(event !=null&& (event.isCancelled() || entity.dead)) { entity.dead =true;returnfalse; }// CraftBukkit endif(!flag && !this.isChunkLoaded(i, j)) {
Add New Item: Web Service Provide a suitable name Click on Add to create You will see the C# content in “CustomWebService.asmx.cs” Add reference to CRM Assemblies Adding another .NET assemblies Adding Live ID Code File available in CrmSdk (SDK\samplecode\cs\helpercode)...